Getting Started
We’re about to walk through building several sets of components for
simulations. vivarium
supports interactive use, so we could do all
of that in a single script or in an interactive environment like a
jupyter notebook. This makes sharing code or working
collaboratively very difficult, however.
Instead, we’ll first walk through some tips and tools that will help us keep things organized and make collaboration easy. It will also enable us to run simulations from the command line. This is vital for any serious simulation work.
Organizing our work
Instead of storing our work in one or several python files, we’ll store it
in a python package. A python package is a bundle of structured python
code that a user can install. This is the key to making python’s import
statement work.
To start off, pick a place for your work on your computer. I’ll pretend
we’re working in ~/code/
is general shorthand for the user’s home directory. It would be
something like C:\Users\<YourUserName>\
on Windows,
on Linux, or /Users/<YourUserName>/
on Mac.
In this directory, make a subdirectory called vivarium_examples
. This
will be our package directory. We then want to generate the following
directory structure
file can be blank. It’s the file that tells python that
is a package. We need to fill out the
file though.
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
if __name__ == "__main__":
description="Examples of simulations built with vivarium",
author='' # YOUR NAME HERE,
package_dir={'': 'src'},
This is the file that lets us install your package and import it from anywhere. We’ll use it shortly.
Version control
Making an environment
The next thing we’ll do is set up a programming environment. This is like a clean room for your code and all the code it depends on. It helps