Disease Model


Motivate the development of the disease model. We’re trying to understand the impact of interventions.

Here we’ll produce a data-free disease model focusing on core Vivarium concepts. You can find more complicated versions of the components built here in the vivarium_public_health library. Those components must additionally deal with manipulating complex data which makes understanding what’s going on more complicated.

After this tutorial, you should be well poised to begin working with and examining those components.


I’m assuming you’ve read through the material in getting started and are working in your vivarium_examples package. If not, you should go there first.


package setup with __init__ and stuff

Building a population

In many ways, this is a bad place to start. The population component is one of the more complicated components in the simulation as it typically is responsible for bootstrapping some of the more interesting features in vivarium.

We need a population though. So we’ll start with one here and defer explanation of some of the more complex pieces/systems until later.

File: ~/code/vivarium_examples/disease_model/population.py
from typing import Any, Dict, List

import pandas as pd

from vivarium import Component
from vivarium.framework.engine import Builder
from vivarium.framework.event import Event
from vivarium.framework.population import SimulantData

class BasePopulation(Component):
    """Generates a base population with a uniform distribution of age and sex."""

    # Properties #

    def configuration_defaults(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        A set of default configuration values for this component. These can be
        overwritten in the simulation model specification or by providing
        override values when constructing an interactive simulation.
        return {
            "population": {
                # The range of ages to be generated in the initial population
                "age_start": 0,
                "age_end": 100,
                # Note: There is also a 'population_size' key.

    def columns_created(self) -> List[str]:
        return ["age", "sex", "alive", "entrance_time"]

    # Lifecycle methods #

    # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
    def setup(self, builder: Builder) -> None:
        """Performs this component's simulation setup.

        The ``setup`` method is automatically called by the simulation
        framework. The framework passes in a ``builder`` object which
        provides access to a variety of framework subsystems and metadata.

        builder :
            Access to simulation tools and subsystems.
        self.config = builder.configuration

        self.with_common_random_numbers = bool(self.config.randomness.key_columns)
        self.register = builder.randomness.register_simulants
        if (
            and not ["entrance_time", "age"] == self.config.randomness.key_columns
            raise ValueError(
                "If running with CRN, you must specify ['entrance_time', 'age'] as"
                "the randomness key columns."

        self.age_randomness = builder.randomness.get_stream(
            "age_initialization", initializes_crn_attributes=self.with_common_random_numbers
        self.sex_randomness = builder.randomness.get_stream("sex_initialization")

    # Event-driven methods #

    def on_initialize_simulants(self, pop_data: SimulantData) -> None:
        """Called by the simulation whenever new simulants are added.

        This component is responsible for creating and filling four columns
        in the population state table:

        'age' :
            The age of the simulant in fractional years.
        'sex' :
            The sex of the simulant. One of {'Male', 'Female'}
        'alive' :
            Whether or not the simulant is alive. One of {'alive', 'dead'}
        'entrance_time' :
            The time that the simulant entered the simulation. The 'birthday'
            for simulants that enter as newborns. A `pandas.Timestamp`.

        pop_data :
            A record containing the index of the new simulants, the
            start of the time step the simulants are added on, the width
            of the time step, and the age boundaries for the simulants to


        age_start = pop_data.user_data.get("age_start", self.config.population.age_start)
        age_end = pop_data.user_data.get("age_end", self.config.population.age_end)

        if age_start == age_end:
            age_window = pop_data.creation_window / pd.Timedelta(days=365)
            age_window = age_end - age_start

        age_draw = self.age_randomness.get_draw(pop_data.index)
        age = age_start + age_draw * age_window

        if self.with_common_random_numbers:
            population = pd.DataFrame(
                {"entrance_time": pop_data.creation_time, "age": age.values},
            population["sex"] = self.sex_randomness.choice(pop_data.index, ["Male", "Female"])
            population["alive"] = "alive"
            population = pd.DataFrame(
                    "age": age.values,
                    "sex": self.sex_randomness.choice(pop_data.index, ["Male", "Female"]),
                    "alive": pd.Series("alive", index=pop_data.index),
                    "entrance_time": pop_data.creation_time,


    def on_time_step(self, event: Event) -> None:
        """Updates simulant age on every time step.

        event :
            An event object emitted by the simulation containing an index
            representing the simulants affected by the event and timing
        population = self.population_view.get(event.index, query="alive == 'alive'")
        population["age"] += event.step_size / pd.Timedelta(days=365)

There are a lot of things here. Let’s take them piece by piece. (Note: I’ll be leaving out the docstrings in the code snippets below).


from typing import Any, Dict, List

import pandas as pd

from vivarium import Component

Aside from pandas, we also import three classes from the core Vivarium framework here. We’ll use them to provide typing information in method signatures.


Providing type hints in Python totally optional, but if you’re using a modern python IDE or plugins for traditional text editors, they can offer you completion options and easy access to interface documentation. It also enables the use of other static analysis tools like mypy.

Default Configuration

from vivarium.framework.population import SimulantData
    def configuration_defaults(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        A set of default configuration values for this component. These can be
        overwritten in the simulation model specification or by providing
        override values when constructing an interactive simulation.
        return {
            "population": {

You’ll see this sort of pattern repeated in many, many Vivarium components.

We declare a configuration block as a class attribute for components. Vivarium has a cascading configuration system that aggregates configuration data from many locations. The configuration is essentially a declaration of the parameter space for the simulation.

The most important thing to understand is that configuration values are given default values provided by the components and that they can be overriden with a higher level system like a command line argument later.

In this component in particular declares defaults for the age range for the initial population of simulants. It also notes that there is a ‘population_size’ key. This key has a default value set by Vivarium’s population management system.

The __init__() method

Though Vivarium components are represented are represented by Python classes you’ll notice that many of the classes have very sparse __init__ methods. Due to the way the simulation bootstraps itself, the __init__ method is usually only used to assign names to generic components and muck with the configuration_defaults a bit. We’ll see more of this later.

The setup method

Instead of the __init__ method, most of the component initialization takes place in the setup method.

 1    }
 2    """Performs this component's simulation setup.
 4    The ``setup`` method is automatically called by the simulation
 5    framework. The framework passes in a ``builder`` object which
 6    provides access to a variety of framework subsystems and metadata.
 8    Parameters
 9    ----------
10    builder :
11        Access to simulation tools and subsystems.
12    """
13    self.config = builder.configuration
15    self.with_common_random_numbers = bool(self.config.randomness.key_columns)
16    self.register = builder.randomness.register_simulants
17    if (
18        self.with_common_random_numbers
19        and not ["entrance_time", "age"] == self.config.randomness.key_columns
20    ):
21        raise ValueError(

The signature for the setup method is the same in every component. When the framework is constructing the simulation it looks for a setup method on each component and calls that method with a Builder instance.


The Builder

The builder object is essentially the simulation toolbox. It provides access to several simulation subsystems:

  • builder.configuration : A dictionary-like representation of all of the parameters in the simulation.

  • builder.lookup : A service for generating interpolated lookup tables. We won’t use these in this tutorial.

  • builder.value : The value pipeline system. In many ways this is the heart of any Vivarium simulation. We’ll discuss this in great detail as we go.

  • builder.event : Access to Vivarium’s event system. The primary use is to register listeners for 'time_step' events.

  • builder.population : The population management system. Registers population initializers (functions that fill in initial state information about simulants), give access to views of the simulation state, and mediates updates to the simulation state. It also provides access to functionality for generating new simulants (e.g. via birth or migration), though we won’t use that feature in this tutorial.

  • builder.randomness : Vivarium uses a variance reduction technique called Common Random Numbers to perform counterfactual analysis. In order for this to work, the simulation provides a centralized source of randomness.

  • builder.time : The simulation clock.

  • builder.components : The component management system. Primarily used for registering subcomponents for setup.

Let’s step through the setup method and examine what’s happening.

Line 2 simply grabs a copy of the simulation configuration. This is essentially a dictionary that supports .-access notation.

2    """Performs this component's simulation setup.

Lines 4-13 interact with Vivarium’s randomness system. Several things are happening here.

Lines 4-9 deal with the topic of Common Random Numbers, a variance reduction technique employed by the Vivarium framework to make it easier to perform counterfactual analysis. It’s not important to have a full grasp of this system at this point.

5    The ``setup`` method is automatically called by the simulation
6    framework. The framework passes in a ``builder`` object which
7    provides access to a variety of framework subsystems and metadata.
9    Parameters


Common Random Numbers

The idea behind Common Random Numbers (or CRN) is to enable comparison between two simulations running under slightly different conditions. Conceptually, we achieve this by guaranteeing that the same events occur to the same people at the same time across simulations with the same random seed.

For example, suppose we have two simulations of the world. We model the world as it is in the first simulation and we introduce a vaccine for the flu in the second simulation. Unless my model explicitly encodes the causal relationship between flu vaccination and vehicle traffic patterns, the person who died in a vehicle accident on the 43rd time step in the first simulation will also die in a vehicle accident on the 43rd time step in the second simulation.

In practice, what the CRN system requires is a way to uniquely identify simulants across simulations. We need to randomly generate some simulant characteristics in a repeatable fashion and then use those characteristics to identify the simulants in the randomness system later. This is only handled by the population component typically. It’s vitally important to get right when doing counterfactual analysis, but it’s not especially important that you understand the mechanics of the implementation.

In this component we’re using some information about the configuration of the randomness system to let us know whether or not we care about using CRN. We’ll explore this much later when we’re looking at running simulations with interventions.

The next thing we do is grab actual randomness streams from the framework.

11        Access to simulation tools and subsystems.
12    """
13    self.config = builder.configuration

get_stream is the only call most components make to the randomness system. The best way to think about randomness streams is as decision points in your simulation. Any time you need to answer a question that requires a random number, you should be using a randomness stream linked to that question.

Here we have the questions “What age are my simulants when they enter the simulation?” and “What sex are my simulants?” and streams to go along with them.

The for_initialization argument tells the stream that the simulants you’re asking this question about won’t already be registered with the randomness system. This is the bootstrapping part. Here we’re using the 'entrance_time' and 'age' to identify a simulant and so we need a stream to initialize ages with. There is should really only be one of these initialization streams in a simulation.

The 'sex_randomness' is a much more typical example of how to interact with the randomness system.

Next we register the on_initialize_simulants method of our BasePopulation object as a population initializer and let the population management system know that it is responsible for generating the 'age', 'sex', 'alive', and 'entrance_time' columns in the population state table.

15    self.with_common_random_numbers = bool(self.config.randomness.key_columns)
16    self.register = builder.randomness.register_simulants
17    if (


The Population Table

When we talk about columns in the context of Vivarium, we are typically talking about the simulant attributes. Vivarium represents the population of simulants as a single pandas.DataFrame. We think of each simulant as a row in this table and each column as an attribute of the simulants.

Next we get a view into the population table.

19        and not ["entrance_time", "age"] == self.config.randomness.key_columns

Population views are used both to query the current state of simulants and to update that state information. When you request a population view from the builder, you must tell it which columns in the population table you want to see, and so here we pass along the same set of columns we’ve said we’re creating.

Finally, we register the age_simulants method as a listener to the 'time_step' event using the event system. Vivarium emits several events over the course of the simulation. Any time the 'time_step' event is called, the age_simulants method will be called as well.

21        raise ValueError(

That was a lot of stuff

As I mentioned at the top the population component is one of the more complicated pieces of any simulation. It’s not important to grasp everything right now. We’ll see many of the same patterns repeated in the setup method of other components later. The unique things here are worth coming back to at a later point once you have more familiarity with the framework conventions.

The on_initialize_simulants method

During setup, we registered this method with the framework as a simulant initializer. You can name this whatever you like in practice, but I have a tendency to give methods that the framework is calling names that describe where in the simulation life-cycle they occur. This helps me think more clearly about what’s going on and helps debugging.

 1            "the randomness key columns."
 2        for simulants that enter as newborns. A `pandas.Timestamp`.
 4    Parameters
 5    ----------
 6    pop_data :
 7        A record containing the index of the new simulants, the
 8        start of the time step the simulants are added on, the width
 9        of the time step, and the age boundaries for the simulants to
10        generate.
12    """
14    age_start = pop_data.user_data.get("age_start", self.config.population.age_start)
15    age_end = pop_data.user_data.get("age_end", self.config.population.age_end)
17    if age_start == age_end:
18        age_window = pop_data.creation_window / pd.Timedelta(days=365)
19    else:
20        age_window = age_end - age_start
22    age_draw = self.age_randomness.get_draw(pop_data.index)
23    age = age_start + age_draw * age_window
25    if self.with_common_random_numbers:
26        population = pd.DataFrame(

Every initializer is called by the population management whenever simulants are created. For our purposes, this happens only once at the very beginning of the simulation. Typically, we’d task another component with responsibility for managing other ways simulants might enter (we might, for instance, have a Migration component that knows about how and when people enter and exit our location of interest).

The population management system uses information about what columns are created by which components in order to determine what order to call initializers defined in separate classes. We’ll see what this means in practice later.

We see that like the setup method, on_initialize_simulants takes in a special argument that we don’t provide. This argument, pop_data is an instance of SimulantData containing a handful of information useful when initializing simulants.



This simple structure only has four attributes (used here in the generic Python sense of the word).

  • index : The population table index of the simulants being initialized.

  • user_data : A (potentially empty) dictionary generated by the user in components that directly create simulants.

  • creation_time : The current simulation time. A pandas.Timestamp.

  • creation_window : The size of the time step over which the simulants are created. A pandas.Timedelta.

We’ll take this method line by line as we did with setup.

The most interesting thing that that the BasePopulation component does is manage the age of our simulants. Back in the configuration_defaults we specified an 'age_start' and 'age_end'. Here we use these to generate the age distribution of our initial population.

 2        for simulants that enter as newborns. A `pandas.Timestamp`.
 4    Parameters
 5    ----------
 6    pop_data :
 7        A record containing the index of the new simulants, the
 8        start of the time step the simulants are added on, the width
 9        of the time step, and the age boundaries for the simulants to
10        generate.

We’ve built in support for two different kinds of populations based on the 'age_start' and 'age_end' specified in the configuration. If we get the same 'age_start' and 'age_end', we have a cohort, and so we smear out ages within the width of a single time step (the creation_window). Otherwise, we assume our population is uniformly distributed within the age window bounded by 'age_start' and 'age_end'. You can use demographic data here to generate arbitrarily complex starting populations.

The only thing really of note here is the call to self.age_randomness.get_draw. If we recall from the setup method, self.age_randomness is an instance of a RandomnessStream which supports several convenience methods for interacting with random numbers. get_draw takes in an index representing particular simulants and returns a pandas.Series with a uniformly drawn random number for each simulant in the index.


The Population Index

The population table we described before has an index that uniquely identifies each simulant. This index is used in several places in the simulation to look up information, calculate simulant-specific values, and update information about the simulants’ state.

We then come back to the question of whether or not we’re using common random numbers in our system. In the setup method, our criteria for using common random numbers was that 'entrance_time' and 'age' were specified as the randomness key_columns in the configuration. These key_columns are what the randomness system uses to uniquely identify simulants across simulations.

2    """
4    age_start = pop_data.user_data.get("age_start", self.config.population.age_start)
5    age_end = pop_data.user_data.get("age_end", self.config.population.age_end)
7    if age_start == age_end:

If we are using CRN, we must generate these columns before any other calls are made to the randomness system with the population index. We then register these simulants with the randomness system using self.register, a reference to register_simulants method in the randomness management system. This is responsible for mapping the attributes of interest (here 'entrance_time' and 'age') to a particular set of random numbers that will be used across simulations with the same random seed.

Once registered, we can generate the remaining attributes of our simulants with guarantees around reproducibility.

If we’re not using CRN, we can just generate the full set of simulant attributes straightaway.

2        age_window = pop_data.creation_window / pd.Timedelta(days=365)
3    else:
4        age_window = age_end - age_start
6    age_draw = self.age_randomness.get_draw(pop_data.index)
7    age = age_start + age_draw * age_window

In either case, we are hanging on to a table representing some attributes of our new simulants. However, this table does not matter yet because the simulation’s population system doesn’t know anything about it. We must first inform the simulation by passing in the DataFrame to our population view's update method. This method is the only way to modify the underlying population table.


The data generated and passed into the population view’s update method must have the same index that was passed in with the pop_data. You can potentially cause yourself a great deal of headache otherwise.

Aging our simulants

The last piece of our population component is the 'time_step' listener method age_simulants.

1            index=pop_data.index,
2                "alive": pd.Series("alive", index=pop_data.index),
3                "entrance_time": pop_data.creation_time,
4            },

This method takes in an Event argument provided by the simulation. This is very similar to the SimulantData argument provided to on_initialize_simulants. It carries around some information about what’s happening in the event.



The event also has four attributes.

  • index : The population table index of the simulants responding to the event.

  • user_data : A (potentially empty) dictionary generated by the user in components that directly events.

  • time : The current simulation time. A pandas.Timestamp.

  • step_size : The size of the time step we’re about to take. A pandas.Timedelta.

It also supports some method for generating new events that we don’t care about here.

In order to age our simulants, we first acquire a copy of the current population state from our population view. In addition to the update method, population views also support a get method that takes in an index and an optional query used to filter down the returned population. Here, we only want to increase the age of people still living. The query argument needs to be consistent with the pandas.DataFrame.query() method.

What we get back is another pandas.DataFrame containing the filtered rows corresponding to the index we passed in. The columns of the returned DataFrame are precisely the columns we specified when we created the view.

We next update the age of our simulants by adding on the width of the time step to their current age and passing the update table to the update method of our population view as we did in on_initialize_simulants

Examining our work

Now that we’ve done all this hard work, let’s see what it gives us.

from vivarium import InteractiveContext
from vivarium_examples.disease_model.population import BasePopulation

config = {'randomness': {'key_columns': ['entrance_time', 'age']}}

sim = InteractiveContext(components=[BasePopulation()], configuration=config)

   tracked  alive     sex        age entrance_time
0     True  alive    Male  78.088109    2005-07-01
1     True  alive    Male  44.072665    2005-07-01
2     True  alive  Female  48.346571    2005-07-01
3     True  alive  Female  91.002147    2005-07-01
4     True  alive  Female  63.641191    2005-07-01

Great! We generate a population with a non-trivial age and sex distribution. Let’s see what happens when our simulation takes a time step.

      tracked  alive     sex        age entrance_time
0     True  alive    Male  78.090849    2005-07-01
1     True  alive    Male  44.075405    2005-07-01
2     True  alive  Female  48.349311    2005-07-01
3     True  alive  Female  91.004887    2005-07-01
4     True  alive  Female  63.643931    2005-07-01

Everyone gets older! Right now though, we could just keep taking steps in our simulation and people would continue getting older. This, of course, does not reflect how the world goes. Time to introduce the grim reaper.


Now that we have population generation and aging working, the next step is introducing mortality into our simulation.

File: ~/code/vivarium_examples/disease_model/mortality.py
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from vivarium import Component
from vivarium.framework.engine import Builder
from vivarium.framework.event import Event

class Mortality(Component):
    # Properties #

    def configuration_defaults(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        A set of default configuration values for this component. These can be
        overwritten in the simulation model specification or by providing
        override values when constructing an interactive simulation.
        return {
            "mortality": {
                "mortality_rate": 0.01,

    def columns_required(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
        return ["alive"]

    def population_view_query(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return "alive == 'alive'"

    # Lifecycle methods #

    # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
    def setup(self, builder: Builder) -> None:
        """Performs this component's simulation setup.

        The ``setup`` method is automatically called by the simulation
        framework. The framework passes in a ``builder`` object which
        provides access to a variety of framework subsystems and metadata.

        builder :
            Access to simulation tools and subsystems.
        self.config = builder.configuration.mortality
        self.randomness = builder.randomness.get_stream("mortality")

        self.mortality_rate = builder.value.register_rate_producer(
            "mortality_rate", source=self.base_mortality_rate

    # Event-driven methods #

    def on_time_step(self, event: Event) -> None:
        """Determines who dies each time step.

        event :
            An event object emitted by the simulation containing an index
            representing the simulants affected by the event and timing
        effective_rate = self.mortality_rate(event.index)
        effective_probability = 1 - np.exp(-effective_rate)
        draw = self.randomness.get_draw(event.index)
        affected_simulants = draw < effective_probability
        self.population_view.update(pd.Series("dead", index=event.index[affected_simulants]))

    # Pipeline sources and modifiers #

    def base_mortality_rate(self, index: pd.Index) -> pd.Series:
        """Computes the base mortality rate for every individual.

        index :
            A representation of the simulants to compute the base mortality
            rate for.

            The base mortality rate for all simulants in the index.
        return pd.Series(self.config.mortality_rate, index=index)

The purpose of this component is to determine who dies every time step based on a mortality rate. You’ll see many of the same framework features we used in the BasePopulation component used again here and a few new things.

Let’s dive in.

What’s new in the configuration?

Since we’re building our disease model without data to inform it, we’ll expose all the important bits of the model as parameters in the configuration.

1from vivarium.framework.event import Event
2        A set of default configuration values for this component. These can be
3        overwritten in the simulation model specification or by providing
4        override values when constructing an interactive simulation.
5        """
6        return {

Here we’re specifying the overall mortality rate in our simulation. Rates have units! We’ll phrase our model with rates specified in terms of events per person-year. So here we’re specifying a uniform mortality rate of 0.01 deaths per person-year. This is obviously not realistic. Using toy data like this is often extremely useful in validating a model though.

Setting up the mortality component

Many of the tools we explored in the BasePopulation component are used again here. There are two new things to look at.

2# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
3def setup(self, builder: Builder) -> None:
4    """Performs this component's simulation setup.
6    The ``setup`` method is automatically called by the simulation
7    framework. The framework passes in a ``builder`` object which
8    provides access to a variety of framework subsystems and metadata.

The first comes in line 3. Previously, we’d acquired a population view from the builder and then supplied a query to filter out dead people when we were requesting the population table from the view. We can also provide a default query when we construct the view and bypas the query argument when requesting the population table from the view later. In line 3 we’re saying we want a view of the 'alive' column of the population table, but only for those people who are actually alive in the current time step.

The other feature of note is is the introduction of the values system in line 6. The values system provides a way of distributing the computation of a value over multiple components. This is a bit difficult to get used to, but is vital to the way we think about components in Vivarium. The best way to understand this system is by example.

In our current context we introduce a named value “pipeline” into the simulation called 'mortality_rate'. The source for a value is always a callable function or method. It typically takes in a pandas.Index as its only argument. Other things are possible, but not necessary for our current use case.

The 'mortality_rate' source is then responsible for returning a pandas.Series containing a base mortality rate for each simulant in the index to the values system. Other components may register themselves as modifiers to this base rate. We’ll see more of this once we get to the disease modelling portion of the tutorial.

The value system will coordinate how the base value is modified behind the scenes and return the results of all computations wherever the pipeline is called from (here, in the soon to be discussed determine_deaths method.

Supplying a base mortality rate

As just discussed, the base_mortality_rate method is the source for the 'mortality_rate' value. Here we take in an index and build a pandas.Series that assigns each individual the mortality rate specified in the configuration.

1    Parameters
2# Event-driven methods #

In an actual simulation, we’d inform the base mortality rate with data specific to the age, sex, location, year (and potentially other demographic factors) that represent each simulant. We might disaggregate or interpolate our data here as well. Which is all to say, the source of a data pipeline can do some pretty complicated stuff.

Determining who dies

Like our aging method in the population component, our determine_deaths method responds to 'time_step' events.

2    """
3    effective_rate = self.mortality_rate(event.index)
4    effective_probability = 1 - np.exp(-effective_rate)
5    draw = self.randomness.get_draw(event.index)
6    affected_simulants = draw < effective_probability

Line 2 is where we actually call the pipeline we constructed during setup. It will return the effective mortality rate for each person in the simulation. Right now this will just be the base mortality rate, but we’ll see how this changes once we bring in a disease. Importantly for now though, the pipeline is automatically rescaling the rate down to the size of the time steps we’re taking.

In lines 3-5, we determine who died this time step. We turn our mortality rate into a probability of death in the given time step by assuming deaths are exponentially distributed and using the inverse distribution function. We then draw a uniformly distributed random number for each person and determine who died by comparing that number to the computed probability of death for the individual.

Finally, in line 6, we update the state table with the newly dead simulants.

Did it work?

It’s a good time to check and make sure that what we did works. We’ve got a mortality rate of 0.01 deaths per person-year and we’re taking 1 day time steps, so we give ourselves a relatively large population this time so we can see the impact of our mortality component without taking too many steps.

from vivarium InteractiveContext
from vivarium_examples.disease_model.population import BasePopulation
from vivarium_examples.disease_model.mortality import Mortality

config = {
    'population': {
        'population_size': 100_000
    'randomness': {
        'key_columns': ['entrance_time', 'age']

sim = InteractiveContext(components=[BasePopulation(), Mortality()], configuration=config)
   tracked  alive     sex        age entrance_time
0     True  alive    Male  78.088109    2005-07-01
1     True  alive    Male  44.072665    2005-07-01
2     True  alive  Female  48.346571    2005-07-01
3     True  alive  Female  91.002147    2005-07-01
4     True  alive  Female  63.641191    2005-07-01

This looks (exactly!) the same as last time. Good.

alive    100000
Name: alive, dtype: int64

Just checking that everyone is alive. Let’s run our simulation for a while and see what happens.

sim.take_steps(365)  # Run for one year with one day time steps
alive    99037
dead       963
Name: alive, dtype: int64

We simulated somewhere between 99,037 (if everyone died in the first time step) and 100,000 (if everyone died in the last time step) living person-years and saw 963 deaths. This means our empirical mortality rate is somewhere close to 0.0097 deaths per person-year, very close to the 0.01 rate we provided.


In a real simulation, we typically want to record sophisticated output. We also frequently work in non-interactive (or even distributed) environments where we don’t have easy access to the simulation object.




Running from the command line

Exploring some results