Source code for vivarium.component


A base Component class to be used to create components for use in ``vivarium``
import re
from abc import ABC
from inspect import signature
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional

from loguru._logger import Logger

from vivarium.framework.event import Event

    from vivarium.framework.engine import Builder
    from vivarium.framework.population import PopulationView, SimulantData

"""The default priority at which events will be triggered."""

[docs] class Component(ABC): """ The base class for all components used in a Vivarium simulation. A `Component` in a Vivarium simulation represents a distinct feature or aspect of the model. It encapsulates the logic and data needed for that feature. Components commonly interact with the rest of the simulation by creating and updating columns in the state table, registering pipelines, and registering modifiers on pipelines created by other components. Observer components might also register observations. All components within a simulation must have a unique name, which is generated by default from the component's class and the argument passed to its constructor. The `setup_component` is run by Vivarium during the setup phase and performs a series of operations to prepare the component for the simulation. These operations include setting the logger for the component, calling the component's custom `setup` method, setting the population view if the component needs one, and registering listeners for each lifecycle event if the component has defined a method to be triggered on that event. Subclasses of `Component` should override these properties as needed: - `sub_components` - `configuration_defaults` - `columns_created` - `columns_required` - `initialization_requirements` - `population_view_query` - `post_setup_priority` - `time_step_prepare_priority` - `time_step_priority` - `time_step_cleanup_priority` - `collect_metrics_priority` - `simulation_end_priority` Subclasses of `Component` should override these methods in order to have operations occur during the appropriate lifecycle phase of a simulation: - `setup` - `on_post_setup` - `on_initialize_simulants` - `on_time_step_prepare` - `on_time_step` - `on_time_step_cleanup` - `on_collect_metrics` - `on_simulation_end` """ CONFIGURATION_DEFAULTS: Dict[str, Any] = {} """ A dictionary containing the defaults for any configurations managed by this component. An empty dictionary indicates no managed configurations. """ def __repr__(self): """ Returns a string representation of the __init__ call made to create this object. The representation is built by retrieving the initialization parameters and their values. If a value is an instance of Component, its own __repr__() is called. The resulting string is stored in the _repr attribute and returned. IMPORTANT: this method must not be called within the `__init__` functions of this component or its subclasses or its value may not be initialized correctly. Returns ------- str A string representation of the __init__ call made to create this object. """ if not self._repr: args = [ f"{name}={value.__repr__() if isinstance(value, Component) else value}" for name, value in self.get_initialization_parameters().items() ] args = ", ".join(args) self._repr = f"{type(self).__name__}({args})" return self._repr def __str__(self): return self._repr ############## # Properties # ############## @property def name(self) -> str: """ Returns the name of the component. By convention, these are in snake case with arguments of the `__init__` appended and separated by `.`. Names must be unique within a simulation. The name is created by first converting the name of the class to snake case. Then, the names of the initialization parameters are appended, separated by `.`. If a parameter is an instance of Component, its name property is used; otherwise, the string representation of the parameter is used. The resulting string is stored in the _name attribute and returned. IMPORTANT: this property must not be accessed within the `__init__` functions of this component or its subclasses or its value may not be initialized correctly. Returns ------- str The unique name of the component. """ if not self._name: base_name = re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", type(self).__name__) base_name = re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", base_name).lower() args = [ f"'{}'" if isinstance(value, Component) else str(value) for value in self.get_initialization_parameters().values() ] self._name = ".".join([base_name] + args) return self._name @property def sub_components(self) -> List["Component"]: """ Provide components managed by this component. Returns ------- List[Component] A list of components that are managed by this component. """ return self._sub_components @property def configuration_defaults(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Provides a dictionary containing the defaults for any configurations managed by this component. These default values will be stored at the `component_configs` layer of the simulation's ConfigTree. Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] A dictionary containing the defaults for any configurations managed by this component. """ return self.CONFIGURATION_DEFAULTS @property def columns_created(self) -> List[str]: """ Provides names of columns created by the component. Returns ------- List[str] Names of the columns created by this component, or an empty list if none. """ return [] @property def columns_required(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: """ Provides names of columns required by the component. Returns ------- Optional[List[str]] Names of required columns not created by this component. An empty list means all available columns are needed. `None` means no additional columns are necessary. """ return None @property def initialization_requirements(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """ Provides the names of all values required by this component during simulant initialization. Returns ------- Dict[str, List[str]] A dictionary containing the additional requirements of this component during simulant initialization. An omitted key or an empty list for a key implies no requirements for that key during initialization. """ return { "requires_columns": [], "requires_values": [], "requires_streams": [], } @property def population_view_query(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Provides a query to use when filtering the component's `PopulationView`. Returns ------- Optional[str] A pandas query string for filtering the component's `PopulationView`. Returns `None` if no filtering is required. """ return None @property def post_setup_priority(self) -> int: """ Provides the priority of this component's post_setup listener. Returns ------- int The priority of this component's post_setup listener. This value can range from 0 to 9, inclusive. """ return DEFAULT_EVENT_PRIORITY @property def time_step_prepare_priority(self) -> int: """ Provides the priority of this component's time_step__prepare listener. Returns ------- int The priority of this component's time_step__prepare listener. This value can range from 0 to 9, inclusive. """ return DEFAULT_EVENT_PRIORITY @property def time_step_priority(self) -> int: """ Provides the priority of this component's time_step listener. Returns ------- int The priority of this component's time_step listener. This value can range from 0 to 9, inclusive. """ return DEFAULT_EVENT_PRIORITY @property def time_step_cleanup_priority(self) -> int: """ Provides the priority of this component's time_step__cleanup listener. Returns ------- int The priority of this component's time_step__cleanup listener. This value can range from 0 to 9, inclusive. """ return DEFAULT_EVENT_PRIORITY @property def collect_metrics_priority(self) -> int: """ Provides the priority of this component's collect_metrics listener. Returns ------- int The priority of this component's collect_metrics listener. This value can range from 0 to 9, inclusive. """ return DEFAULT_EVENT_PRIORITY @property def simulation_end_priority(self) -> int: """ Provides the priority of this component's simulation_end listener. Returns ------- int The priority of this component's simulation_end listener. This value can range from 0 to 9, inclusive. """ return DEFAULT_EVENT_PRIORITY ##################### # Lifecycle methods # ##################### def __init__(self): """ Initializes a new instance of the Component class. This method is the initializer for the Component class. It initializes logger of type Logger and population_view of type PopulationView to None. These attributes will be fully initialized in the setup_component method of this class. """ self._repr: str = "" self._name: str = "" self._sub_components: List["Component"] = [] self.logger: Optional[Logger] = None self.population_view: Optional[PopulationView] = None
[docs] def setup_component(self, builder: "Builder") -> None: """ Sets up the component for a Vivarium simulation. This method is run by Vivarium during the setup phase. It performs a series of operations to prepare the component for the simulation. It sets the logger for the component, sets up the component, sets the population view, and registers various listeners including post_setup, simulant_initializer, time_step_prepare, time_step, time_step_cleanup, collect_metrics, and simulation_end listeners. Parameters ---------- builder : Builder The builder object used to set up the component. Returns ------- None """ self.logger = builder.logging.get_logger( self.setup(builder) self._set_population_view(builder) self._register_post_setup_listener(builder) self._register_simulant_initializer(builder) self._register_time_step_prepare_listener(builder) self._register_time_step_listener(builder) self._register_time_step_cleanup_listener(builder) self._register_collect_metrics_listener(builder) self._register_simulation_end_listener(builder)
####################### # Methods to override # #######################
[docs] def setup(self, builder: "Builder") -> None: """ Defines custom actions this component needs to run during the setup lifecycle phase. This method is intended to be overridden by subclasses to perform any necessary setup operations specific to the component. By default, it does nothing. Parameters ---------- builder : Builder The builder object used to set up the component. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def on_post_setup(self, event: Event) -> None: """ Method that vivarium will run during the post_setup event. This method is intended to be overridden by subclasses if there are operations they need to perform specifically during the post_setup event. NOTE: This method is not commonly used functionality. Parameters ---------- event : Event The event object associated with the post_setup event. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def on_initialize_simulants(self, pop_data: "SimulantData") -> None: """ Method that vivarium will run during simulant initialization. This method is intended to be overridden by subclasses if there are operations they need to perform specifically during the simulant initialization phase. Parameters ---------- pop_data : SimulantData The data associated with the simulants being initialized. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def on_time_step_prepare(self, event: Event) -> None: """ Method that vivarium will run during the time_step__prepare event. This method is intended to be overridden by subclasses if there are operations they need to perform specifically during the time_step__prepare event. Parameters ---------- event : Event The event object associated with the time_step__prepare event. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def on_time_step(self, event: Event) -> None: """ Method that vivarium will run during the time_step event. This method is intended to be overridden by subclasses if there are operations they need to perform specifically during the time_step event. Parameters ---------- event : Event The event object associated with the time_step event. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def on_time_step_cleanup(self, event: Event) -> None: """ Method that vivarium will run during the time_step__cleanup event. This method is intended to be overridden by subclasses if there are operations they need to perform specifically during the time_step__cleanup event. Parameters ---------- event : Event The event object associated with the time_step__cleanup event. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def on_collect_metrics(self, event: Event) -> None: """ Method that vivarium will run during the collect_metrics event. This method is intended to be overridden by subclasses if there are operations they need to perform specifically during the collect_metrics event. Parameters ---------- event : Event The event object associated with the collect_metrics event. Returns ------- None """ pass
[docs] def on_simulation_end(self, event: Event) -> None: """ Method that vivarium will run during the simulation_end event. This method is intended to be overridden by subclasses if there are operations they need to perform specifically during the simulation_end event. Parameters ---------- event : Event The event object associated with the simulation_end event. Returns ------- None """ pass
################## # Helper methods # ##################
[docs] def get_initialization_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Retrieves the values of all parameters specified in the `__init__` that have an attribute with the same name. Note: this retrieves the value of the attribute at the time of calling, which is not guaranteed to be the same as the original value. Returns ------- dict A dictionary where the keys are the names of the parameters used in the `__init__` method and the values are their current values. """ return { parameter_name: getattr(self, parameter_name) for parameter_name in signature(self.__init__).parameters if hasattr(self, parameter_name) }
def _set_population_view(self, builder: "Builder") -> None: """ Creates the PopulationView for this component if it needs access to the state table. The method determines the necessary columns for the PopulationView based on the columns required and created by this component. If no columns are required or created, no PopulationView is set. Parameters ---------- builder : Builder The builder object used to set up the component. Returns ------- None """ if self.columns_required: # Get all columns created and required population_view_columns = self.columns_created + self.columns_required elif self.columns_required == []: # Empty list means population view needs all available columns population_view_columns = [] elif self.columns_required is None and self.columns_created: # No additional columns required, so just get columns created population_view_columns = self.columns_created else: # no need for a population view if no columns created or required population_view_columns = None if population_view_columns is not None: self.population_view = builder.population.get_view( population_view_columns, self.population_view_query ) def _register_post_setup_listener(self, builder: "Builder") -> None: """ Registers a post_setup listener if this component has defined one. This method allows the component to respond to "post_setup" events if it has its own `on_post_setup` method. The listener will be registered with the component's post_setup priority, allowing control over the order of operations when multiple components are listening to the same event. Parameters ---------- builder : Builder The builder with which to register the listener. Returns ------- None """ if type(self).on_post_setup != Component.on_post_setup: builder.event.register_listener( "post_setup", self.on_post_setup, self.post_setup_priority, ) def _register_simulant_initializer(self, builder: "Builder") -> None: """ Registers a simulant initializer if this component has defined one. This method allows the component to initialize simulants if it has its own `on_initialize_simulants` method. It registers this method with the builder's `PopulationManager``. It also specifies the columns that the component creates and any additional requirements for initialization. Parameters ---------- builder : Builder The builder with which to register the initializer. Returns ------- None """ if type(self).on_initialize_simulants != Component.on_initialize_simulants: builder.population.initializes_simulants( self.on_initialize_simulants, creates_columns=self.columns_created, **self.initialization_requirements, ) def _register_time_step_prepare_listener(self, builder: "Builder") -> None: """ Registers a time_step_prepare listener if this component has defined one. This method allows the component to respond to "time_step_prepare" events if it has its own `on_time_step_prepare` method. The listener will be registered with the component's time_step_prepare priority. Parameters ---------- builder : Builder The builder with which to register the listener. Returns ------- None """ if type(self).on_time_step_prepare != Component.on_time_step_prepare: builder.event.register_listener( "time_step__prepare", self.on_time_step_prepare, self.time_step_prepare_priority, ) def _register_time_step_listener(self, builder: "Builder") -> None: """ Registers a time_step listener if this component has defined one. This method allows the component to respond to "time_step" events if it has its own `on_time_step` method. The listener will be registered with the component's time_step priority. Parameters ---------- builder : Builder The builder with which to register the listener. Returns ------- None """ if type(self).on_time_step != Component.on_time_step: builder.event.register_listener( "time_step", self.on_time_step, self.time_step_priority, ) def _register_time_step_cleanup_listener(self, builder: "Builder") -> None: """ Registers a time_step_cleanup listener if this component has defined one. This method allows the component to respond to "time_step_cleanup" events if it has its own `on_time_step_cleanup` method. The listener will be registered with the component's time_step_cleanup priority. Parameters ---------- builder : Builder The builder with which to register the listener. Returns ------- None """ if type(self).on_time_step_cleanup != Component.on_time_step_cleanup: builder.event.register_listener( "time_step__cleanup", self.on_time_step_cleanup, self.time_step_cleanup_priority, ) def _register_collect_metrics_listener(self, builder: "Builder") -> None: """ Registers a collect_metrics listener if this component has defined one. This method allows the component to respond to "collect_metrics" events if it has its own `on_collect_metrics` method. The listener will be registered with the component's collect_metrics priority. Parameters ---------- builder : Builder The builder with which to register the listener. Returns ------- None """ if type(self).on_collect_metrics != Component.on_collect_metrics: builder.event.register_listener( "collect_metrics", self.on_collect_metrics, self.collect_metrics_priority, ) def _register_simulation_end_listener(self, builder: "Builder") -> None: """ Registers a simulation_end listener if this component has defined one. This method allows the component to respond to "simulation_end" events if it has its own `on_simulation_end` method. The listener will be registered with the component's simulation_end priority. Parameters ---------- builder : Builder The builder with which to register the listener. Returns ------- None """ if type(self).on_simulation_end != Component.on_simulation_end: builder.event.register_listener( "simulation_end", self.on_simulation_end, self.simulation_end_priority, )