Source code for vivarium_public_health.treatment.scale_up

Linear Scale-Up Model

This module contains tools for applying a linear scale-up to an intervention

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Tuple

import pandas as pd
from vivarium import Component
from vivarium.framework.engine import Builder
from vivarium.framework.lookup import LookupTable
from vivarium.framework.time import Time
from vivarium.framework.values import Pipeline

from vivarium_public_health.utilities import EntityString

[docs]class LinearScaleUp(Component): """ A model for applying a linear scale-up to an intervention. This component requires input data for beginning and end dates, as well as beginning and end values. Scale-up start and end dates are by default the beginning and end of the simulation, but they can both be set to other values in the configuration. Data for the values at scale-up endpoints can be sourced either from or from parameters provided in the configuration. For example, for an intervention called 'treatment' the configuration could look like this: .. code-block:: yaml configuration: treatment_scale_up: start: date: "2020-01-01" value: 0.0 end: date: "2020-12-31" value: 0.9 """ CONFIGURATION_DEFAULTS = { "treatment": { "date": { "start": "2020-01-01", "end": "2020-12-31", }, "value": { "start": "data", "end": "data", }, } } ############## # Properties # ############## @property def configuration_defaults(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {self.configuration_key: self.CONFIGURATION_DEFAULTS["treatment"]} @property def configuration_key(self) -> str: return f"{}_scale_up" ##################### # Lifecycle methods # ##################### def __init__(self, treatment: str): """ Parameters ---------- treatment : the type and name of a treatment, specified as "". Type is singular. """ super().__init__() self.treatment = EntityString(treatment) ################# # Setup methods # ################# # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs] def setup(self, builder: Builder) -> None: """Perform this component's setup.""" self.is_intervention_scenario = self.get_is_intervention_scenario(builder) self.clock = self.get_clock(builder) self.scale_up_start_date, self.scale_up_end_date = self.get_scale_up_dates(builder) self.scale_up_start_value, self.scale_up_end_value = self.get_scale_up_values(builder) self.pipelines = self.get_required_pipelines(builder) self.register_intervention_modifiers(builder)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def get_is_intervention_scenario(self, builder: Builder) -> bool: return builder.configuration.intervention.scenario != "baseline"
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def get_clock(self, builder: Builder) -> Callable[[], Time]: return builder.time.clock()
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def get_scale_up_dates(self, builder: Builder) -> Tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp]: scale_up_config = builder.configuration[self.configuration_key]["date"] return pd.Timestamp(scale_up_config["start"]), pd.Timestamp(scale_up_config["end"])
[docs] def get_scale_up_values(self, builder: Builder) -> Tuple[LookupTable, LookupTable]: """ Get the values at the start and end of the scale-up period. Parameters ---------- builder Interface to access simulation managers. Returns ------- LookupTable A tuple of lookup tables returning the values at the start and end of the scale-up period. """ scale_up_config = builder.configuration[self.configuration_key]["value"] def get_endpoint_value(endpoint_type: str) -> LookupTable: if scale_up_config[endpoint_type] == "data": endpoint = self.get_endpoint_value_from_data(builder, endpoint_type) else: endpoint = builder.lookup.build_table(scale_up_config[endpoint_type]) return endpoint return get_endpoint_value("start"), get_endpoint_value("end")
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def get_required_pipelines(self, builder: Builder) -> Dict[str, Pipeline]: return {}
[docs] def register_intervention_modifiers(self, builder: Builder): builder.value.register_value_modifier( f"{self.treatment}.exposure_parameters", modifier=self.coverage_effect, )
################################## # Pipeline sources and modifiers # ##################################
[docs] def coverage_effect(self, idx: pd.Index, target: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: if not self.is_intervention_scenario or self.clock() < self.scale_up_start_date: progress = 0.0 elif self.scale_up_start_date <= self.clock() < self.scale_up_end_date: progress = (self.clock() - self.scale_up_start_date) / ( self.scale_up_end_date - self.scale_up_start_date ) else: progress = 1.0 target = self.apply_scale_up(idx, target, progress) if progress else target return target
################## # Helper methods # ##################
[docs] def get_endpoint_value_from_data( self, builder: Builder, endpoint_type: str ) -> LookupTable: """ Get the value at the start or end of the scale-up period from data. Parameters ---------- builder Interface to access simulation managers. endpoint_type The type of endpoint to get the value for. Allowed values are "start" and "end". Returns ------- LookupTable A lookup table returning the value at the start or end of the scale-up period. """ if endpoint_type == "start": endpoint_data ="{self.treatment}.exposure") elif endpoint_type == "end": endpoint_data ="alternate_{self.treatment}.exposure") else: raise ValueError( f'Invalid endpoint type {endpoint_type}. Allowed types are "start" and "end".' ) return builder.lookup.build_table(endpoint_data)
[docs] def apply_scale_up( self, idx: pd.Index, target: pd.Series, scale_up_progress: float ) -> pd.Series: start_value = self.scale_up_start_value(idx) end_value = self.scale_up_end_value(idx) value_increase = scale_up_progress * (end_value - start_value) target.loc[idx] += value_increase return target