Source code for vivarium_public_health.metrics.mortality

Mortality Observer

This module contains tools for observing cause-specific and
excess mortality in the simulation, including "other causes".

from typing import Callable, List, Optional

import pandas as pd
from vivarium import Component
from vivarium.framework.engine import Builder

from vivarium_public_health.disease import DiseaseState, RiskAttributableDisease

[docs]class MortalityObserver(Component): """An observer for cause-specific deaths and ylls (including "other causes"). By default, this counts cause-specific deaths and years of life lost over the full course of the simulation. It can be configured to add or remove stratification groups to the default groups defined by a :class:ResultsStratifier. The aggregate configuration key can be set to True to aggregate all deaths and ylls into a single observation and remove the stratification by cause of death to improve runtime. In the model specification, your configuration for this component should be specified as, e.g.: .. code-block:: yaml configuration: stratification: mortality: exclude: - "sex" include: - "sample_stratification" This observer needs to access the has_excess_mortality attribute of the causes we're observing, but this attribute gets defined in the setup of the cause models. As a result, the model specification should list this observer after causes. """ CONFIGURATION_DEFAULTS = { "stratification": { "mortality": { "exclude": [], "include": [], "aggregate": False, } } } def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.causes_of_death = ["other_causes"] self.required_death_columns = ["alive", "exit_time"] self.required_yll_columns = [ "alive", "cause_of_death", "exit_time", "years_of_life_lost", ] ############## # Properties # ############## @property def columns_required(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: return [ "alive", "years_of_life_lost", "cause_of_death", "exit_time", ] ##################### # Lifecycle methods # ##################### # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs] def setup(self, builder: Builder) -> None: self.clock = builder.time.clock() self.config = builder.configuration.stratification.mortality cause_components = builder.components.get_components_by_type( (DiseaseState, RiskAttributableDisease) ) self.causes_of_death += [ cause.state_id for cause in cause_components if cause.has_excess_mortality ] if not self.config.aggregate: for cause_of_death in self.causes_of_death: self._register_mortality_observations( builder, cause_of_death, f'cause_of_death == "{cause_of_death}"' ) else: self._register_mortality_observations(builder, "all_causes")
################### # Private methods # ################### def _register_mortality_observations( self, builder: Builder, cause: str, additional_pop_filter: str = "" ) -> None: pop_filter = ( 'alive == "dead" and tracked == True' if additional_pop_filter == "" else f'alive == "dead" and tracked == True and {additional_pop_filter}' ) builder.results.register_observation( name=f"death_due_to_{cause}", pop_filter=pop_filter, aggregator=self.count_deaths, requires_columns=self.required_death_columns, additional_stratifications=self.config.include, excluded_stratifications=self.config.exclude, when="collect_metrics", ) builder.results.register_observation( name=f"ylls_due_to_{cause}", pop_filter=pop_filter, aggregator=self.calculate_ylls, requires_columns=self.required_yll_columns, additional_stratifications=self.config.include, excluded_stratifications=self.config.exclude, when="collect_metrics", ) ############### # Aggregators # ###############
[docs] def count_deaths(self, x: pd.DataFrame) -> float: died_of_cause = x["exit_time"] > self.clock() return sum(died_of_cause)
[docs] def calculate_ylls(self, x: pd.DataFrame) -> float: died_of_cause = x["exit_time"] > self.clock() return x.loc[died_of_cause, "years_of_life_lost"].sum()