Source code for vivarium_inputs.utilities

"""Errors and utility functions for input processing."""
from numbers import Real
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from gbd_mapping import Cause, RiskFactor, causes, risk_factors

from vivarium_inputs import utility_data
from vivarium_inputs.globals import (

INDEX_COLUMNS = DEMOGRAPHIC_COLUMNS + ["affected_entity", "affected_measure", "parameter"]

# Functions to remove GBD conventions from data. #

[docs]def scrub_gbd_conventions(data, location): data = scrub_location(data, location) data = scrub_sex(data) data = scrub_age(data) data = scrub_year(data) data = scrub_affected_entity(data) return data
[docs]def scrub_location(data, location): if "location_id" in data.index.names: data.index = data.index.rename("location", level="location_id").set_levels( [location], level="location" ) else: data = pd.concat([data], keys=[location], names=["location"]) return data
[docs]def scrub_sex(data): if "sex_id" in data.index.names: levels = list( data.index.levels[data.index.names.index("sex_id")].map( lambda x: {1: "Male", 2: "Female"}.get(x, x) ) ) data.index = data.index.rename("sex", level="sex_id").set_levels(levels, level="sex") return data
[docs]def scrub_age(data): if "age_group_id" in data.index.names: age_bins = utility_data.get_age_bins().set_index("age_group_id") id_levels = data.index.levels[data.index.names.index("age_group_id")] interval_levels = [ pd.Interval(age_bins.age_start[age_id], age_bins.age_end[age_id], closed="left") for age_id in id_levels ] data.index = data.index.rename("age", level="age_group_id").set_levels( interval_levels, level="age" ) return data
[docs]def scrub_year(data): if "year_id" in data.index.names: id_levels = data.index.levels[data.index.names.index("year_id")] interval_levels = [ pd.Interval(year_id, year_id + 1, closed="left") for year_id in id_levels ] data.index = data.index.rename("year", level="year_id").set_levels( interval_levels, level="year" ) return data
[docs]def scrub_affected_entity(data): CAUSE_BY_ID = {c.gbd_id: c for c in causes} # RISK_BY_ID = {r.gbd_id: r for r in risk_factors} if "cause_id" in data.columns: data["affected_entity"] = data.cause_id.apply( lambda cause_id: CAUSE_BY_ID[cause_id].name ) data.drop("cause_id", axis=1, inplace=True) return data
[docs]def set_age_interval(data): if "age_start" in data.index.names: bins = zip( data.index.get_level_values("age_start"), data.index.get_level_values("age_end") ) data = data.assign( age=[pd.Interval(x[0], x[1], closed="left") for x in bins] ).set_index("age", append=True) data.index = data.index.droplevel("age_start").droplevel("age_end") return data
############################################################### # Functions to normalize GBD data over a standard demography. # ###############################################################
[docs]def normalize( data: pd.DataFrame, fill_value: Real = None, cols_to_fill: List[str] = DRAW_COLUMNS ) -> pd.DataFrame: data = normalize_sex(data, fill_value, cols_to_fill) data = normalize_year(data) data = normalize_age(data, fill_value, cols_to_fill) return data
[docs]def normalize_sex(data: pd.DataFrame, fill_value, cols_to_fill) -> pd.DataFrame: sexes = set(data.sex_id.unique()) if "sex_id" in data.columns else set() if not sexes: # Data does not correspond to individuals, so no age column necessary. pass elif sexes == set(SEXES.values()): # We have variation across sex, don't need the column for both. data = data[data.sex_id.isin([SEXES["Male"], SEXES["Female"]])] elif sexes == {SEXES["Combined"]}: # Data is not sex specific, but does apply to both sexes, so copy. fill_data = data.copy() data.loc[:, "sex_id"] = SEXES["Male"] fill_data.loc[:, "sex_id"] = SEXES["Female"] data = pd.concat([data, fill_data], ignore_index=True) elif len(sexes) == 1: # Data is sex specific, but only applies to one sex, so fill the other with default. fill_data = data.copy() missing_sex = ( {SEXES["Male"], SEXES["Female"]}.difference(set(data.sex_id.unique())).pop() ) fill_data.loc[:, "sex_id"] = missing_sex fill_data.loc[:, cols_to_fill] = fill_value data = pd.concat([data, fill_data], ignore_index=True) else: # sexes == {SEXES['Male'], SEXES['Female']} pass return data
[docs]def normalize_year(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: binned_years = utility_data.get_estimation_years() years = { "annual": list(range(min(binned_years), max(binned_years) + 1)), "binned": binned_years, } if "year_id" not in data: # Data doesn't vary by year, so copy for each year. df = [] for year in years["annual"]: fill_data = data.copy() fill_data["year_id"] = year df.append(fill_data) data = pd.concat(df, ignore_index=True) elif set(data.year_id) == set(years["binned"]): data = interpolate_year(data) else: # set(data.year_id.unique()) == years['annual'] pass # Dump extra data. data = data[data.year_id.isin(years["annual"])] return data
[docs]def interpolate_year(data): # Hide the central comp dependency unless required. from core_maths.interpolate import pchip_interpolate id_cols = list(set(data.columns).difference(DRAW_COLUMNS)) fillin_data = pchip_interpolate(data, id_cols, DRAW_COLUMNS) return pd.concat([data, fillin_data], sort=True)
[docs]def normalize_age( data: pd.DataFrame, fill_value: Real, cols_to_fill: List[str] ) -> pd.DataFrame: data_ages = set(data.age_group_id.unique()) if "age_group_id" in data.columns else set() gbd_ages = set(utility_data.get_age_group_ids()) if not data_ages: # Data does not correspond to individuals, so no age column necessary. pass elif data_ages == {SPECIAL_AGES["all_ages"]}: # Data applies to all ages, so copy. dfs = [] for age in gbd_ages: missing = data.copy() missing.loc[:, "age_group_id"] = age dfs.append(missing) data = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) elif data_ages < gbd_ages: # Data applies to subset, so fill other ages with fill value. key_columns = list(data.columns.difference(cols_to_fill)) key_columns.remove("age_group_id") expected_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [data[c].unique() for c in key_columns] + [gbd_ages], names=key_columns + ["age_group_id"], ) data = ( data.set_index(key_columns + ["age_group_id"]) .reindex(expected_index, fill_value=fill_value) .reset_index() ) else: # data_ages == gbd_ages pass return data
[docs]def get_ordered_index_cols(data_columns: Union[pd.Index, set]): return [i for i in INDEX_COLUMNS if i in data_columns] + list( data_columns.difference(INDEX_COLUMNS) )
[docs]def reshape(data: pd.DataFrame, value_cols: List = DRAW_COLUMNS) -> pd.DataFrame: if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) and not isinstance( data.index, pd.MultiIndex ): # push all non-val cols into index data = data.set_index(get_ordered_index_cols(data.columns.difference(value_cols))) elif not data.columns.difference( value_cols ).empty: # we missed some columns that need to be in index data = data.set_index(list(data.columns.difference(value_cols)), append=True) data = data.reorder_levels(get_ordered_index_cols(set(data.index.names))) else: # we've already set the full index pass return data
[docs]def wide_to_long(data: pd.DataFrame, value_cols: List, var_name: str) -> pd.DataFrame: if set(data.columns).intersection(value_cols): id_cols = data.columns.difference(value_cols) data = pd.melt(data, id_vars=id_cols, value_vars=value_cols, var_name=var_name) return data
[docs]def sort_hierarchical_data(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Reorder index labels of a hierarchical index and sort in level order.""" sort_order = ["location", "sex", "age_start", "age_end", "year_start", "year_end"] sorted_data_index = [n for n in sort_order if n in data.index.names] sorted_data_index.extend([n for n in data.index.names if n not in sorted_data_index]) if isinstance(data.index, pd.MultiIndex): data = data.reorder_levels(sorted_data_index) data = data.sort_index() return data
[docs]def convert_affected_entity(data: pd.DataFrame, column: str) -> pd.DataFrame: ids = data[column].unique() data = data.rename(columns={column: "affected_entity"}) if column == "cause_id": name_map = {c.gbd_id: for c in causes if c.gbd_id in ids} else: # column == 'rei_id' name_map = {r.gbd_id: for r in risk_factors if r.gbd_id in ids} data["affected_entity"] = data["affected_entity"].map(name_map) return data
[docs]def compute_categorical_paf( rr_data: pd.DataFrame, e: pd.DataFrame, affected_entity: str ) -> pd.DataFrame: rr = rr_data[rr_data.affected_entity == affected_entity] affected_measure = rr.affected_measure.unique()[0] rr.drop(["affected_entity", "affected_measure"], axis=1, inplace=True) key_cols = ["sex_id", "age_group_id", "year_id", "parameter", "draw"] e = e.set_index(key_cols).sort_index(level=key_cols) rr = rr.set_index(key_cols).sort_index(level=key_cols) weighted_rr = e * rr groupby_cols = [c for c in key_cols if c != "parameter"] mean_rr = weighted_rr.reset_index().groupby(groupby_cols)["value"].sum() paf = ((mean_rr - 1) / mean_rr).reset_index() paf = paf.replace(-np.inf, 0) # Rows with zero exposure. paf["affected_entity"] = affected_entity paf["affected_measure"] = affected_measure return paf
[docs]def get_age_group_ids_by_restriction( entity: Union[RiskFactor, Cause], which_age: str ) -> Tuple[float, float]: if which_age == "yll": start, end = ( entity.restrictions.yll_age_group_id_start, entity.restrictions.yll_age_group_id_end, ) elif which_age == "yld": start, end = ( entity.restrictions.yld_age_group_id_start, entity.restrictions.yld_age_group_id_end, ) elif which_age == "inner": start = get_restriction_age_boundary(entity, "start", reverse=True) end = get_restriction_age_boundary(entity, "end", reverse=True) elif which_age == "outer": start = get_restriction_age_boundary(entity, "start") end = get_restriction_age_boundary(entity, "end") else: raise NotImplementedError( "The second argument of this function should be one of [yll, yld, inner, outer]." ) return start, end
[docs]def filter_data_by_restrictions( data: pd.DataFrame, entity: Union[RiskFactor, Cause], which_age: str, age_group_ids: List[int], ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ For the given data and restrictions, it applies age/sex restrictions and filter out the data outside of the range. Age restrictions can be applied in 4 different ways: - yld - yll - narrowest(inner) range of yll and yld - broadest(outer) range of yll and yld. Parameters ---------- data DataFrame containing 'age_group_id' and 'sex_id' columns. entity Cause or RiskFactor which_age one of 4 choices: 'yll', 'yld', 'inner', 'outer'. age_group_ids List of possible age group ids. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame which is filtered out any data outside of age/sex restriction ranges. """ restrictions = entity.restrictions if restrictions.male_only and not restrictions.female_only: sexes = [SEXES["Male"]] elif not restrictions.male_only and restrictions.female_only: sexes = [SEXES["Female"]] else: # not male only and not female only sexes = [SEXES["Male"], SEXES["Female"], SEXES["Combined"]] data = data[data.sex_id.isin(sexes)] start, end = get_age_group_ids_by_restriction(entity, which_age) ages = get_restriction_age_ids(start, end, age_group_ids) data = data[data.age_group_id.isin(ages)] return data
[docs]def clear_disability_weight_outside_restrictions( data: pd.DataFrame, cause: Cause, fill_value: float, age_group_ids: List[int] ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Because sequela disability weight is not age/sex specific, we need to have a custom function to set the values outside the corresponding cause restrictions to 0 after it has been expanded over age/sex.""" restrictions = cause.restrictions if restrictions.male_only and not restrictions.female_only: sexes = [SEXES["Male"]] elif not restrictions.male_only and restrictions.female_only: sexes = [SEXES["Female"]] else: # not male only and not female only sexes = [SEXES["Male"], SEXES["Female"], SEXES["Combined"]] start, end = get_age_group_ids_by_restriction(cause, "yld") ages = get_restriction_age_ids(start, end, age_group_ids) data.loc[ (~data.sex_id.isin(sexes)) | (~data.age_group_id.isin(ages)), DRAW_COLUMNS ] = fill_value return data
[docs]def filter_to_most_detailed_causes(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """For the DataFrame including the cause_ids, it filters rows with cause_ids for the most detailed causes""" cause_ids = set(data.cause_id) most_detailed_cause_ids = [ c.gbd_id for c in causes if c.gbd_id in cause_ids and c.most_detailed ] return data[data.cause_id.isin(most_detailed_cause_ids)]
[docs]def get_restriction_age_ids( start_id: Union[int, None], end_id: Union[int, None], age_group_ids: List[int] ) -> List[int]: """Get the start/end age group id and return the list of GBD age_group_ids in-between. """ if start_id is None or end_id is None: data = [] else: start_index = age_group_ids.index(start_id) end_index = age_group_ids.index(end_id) data = age_group_ids[start_index : end_index + 1] return data
[docs]def get_restriction_age_boundary( entity: Union[RiskFactor, Cause], boundary: str, reverse=False ): """Find the minimum/maximum age restriction (if both 'yll' and 'yld' restrictions exist) for a RiskFactor. Parameters ---------- entity RiskFactor or Cause for which to find the minimum/maximum age restriction. boundary String 'start' or 'end' indicating whether to return the minimum(maximum) start age restriction or maximum(minimum) end age restriction. reverse if reverse is True, return the maximum of start age restriction and minimum of end age restriction. Returns ------- The age group id corresponding to the minimum or maximum start or end age restriction, depending on `boundary`, if both 'yll' and 'yld' restrictions exist. Otherwise, returns whichever restriction exists. """ yld_age = entity.restrictions[f"yld_age_group_id_{boundary}"] yll_age = entity.restrictions[f"yld_age_group_id_{boundary}"] if yld_age is None: age = yll_age elif yll_age is None: age = yld_age else: start_op = max if reverse else min end_op = min if reverse else max age = end_op(yld_age, yll_age) if boundary == "start" else start_op(yld_age, yll_age) return age
[docs]def get_exposure_and_restriction_ages(exposure: pd.DataFrame, entity: RiskFactor) -> set: """Get the intersection of age groups found in exposure data and entity restriction age range. Used to filter other risk data where using just exposure age groups isn't sufficient because exposure at the point of extraction is pre-filtering by age restrictions. Parameters ---------- exposure Exposure data for `entity`. entity Entity for which to find the intersecting exposure and restriction ages. Returns ------- Set of age groups found in both the entity's exposure data and in the entity's age restrictions. """ exposure_age_groups = set(exposure.age_group_id) start, end = get_age_group_ids_by_restriction(entity, "outer") restriction_age_groups = get_restriction_age_ids( start, end, utility_data.get_age_group_ids() ) valid_age_groups = exposure_age_groups.intersection(restriction_age_groups) return valid_age_groups
[docs]def split_interval(data, interval_column, split_column_prefix): if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) and interval_column in data.index.names: data[f"{split_column_prefix}_end"] = [ x.right for x in data.index.get_level_values(interval_column) ] if not isinstance(data.index, pd.MultiIndex): data[f"{split_column_prefix}_start"] = [ x.left for x in data.index.get_level_values(interval_column) ] data = data.set_index( [f"{split_column_prefix}_start", f"{split_column_prefix}_end"] ) else: interval_starts = [ x.left for x in data.index.levels[data.index.names.index(interval_column)] ] data.index = data.index.rename( f"{split_column_prefix}_start", level=interval_column ).set_levels(interval_starts, level=f"{split_column_prefix}_start") data = data.set_index(f"{split_column_prefix}_end", append=True) return data