Source code for gbd_mapping_generator.util

import os
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

TEXTWIDTH = 118  # type: int
TAB = "    "  # type: str
SPACING = "\n\n"  # type: str

# In Python 3.7 and newer, there is no limit. This limit applies to positional and keyword arguments.
MAX_PYTHON_3_6_ARG_COUNT = 255  # type: int

[docs]def make_module_docstring(description: str, file: Union[str, Path]) -> str: """Generates standard header with additional information from the description. Parameters ---------- description Custom header text for the generated file. file Path to python module that generates the target module. Returns ------- str String representation of module doc string. """ here = Path(file).resolve() out = f'"""{description}\n\n' out += f"This code is automatically generated by {Path(*[-2:])}\n\n" out += 'Any manual changes will be lost.\n"""\n' return out
[docs]def make_import(module_to_import: str, imports: Tuple[str, ...] = ()) -> str: """Generates the necessary imports. Smart about importing modules or names. Parameters ---------- module_to_import Name of the module. imports Named items to import. If empty import the module name. Returns ------- str Generated string for necessary imports. """ if not imports: out = f"import {module_to_import}" else: out = text_wrap(f"from {module_to_import} import ", imports, implicit=True) return out
[docs]def text_wrap(start_string, items, sep=", ", implicit=False): if len(start_string + sep.join(items)) <= TEXTWIDTH: out = start_string + sep.join(items) + "\n" else: out = start_string if implicit: out += "(" char_count = len(out) padding = " " * char_count out += items[0] + ", " char_count += len(items[0]) + 2 for i in items[1:]: if char_count + len(i) > TEXTWIDTH: # wrap out = out[:-1] + "\n" out += padding + i + ", " char_count = len(padding + i + ", ") else: out += i + ", " char_count += len(i) + 2 out = out[:-2] if implicit: out += ")" out += "\n" return out
[docs]def replace_numeric_prefix(name: str) -> str: """Variables cannot start with numeric characters. Replace with the word. This only occurs 3 times using GBD 2019 data. Parameters ---------- name The name of the member variable. Returns ------- str Input string transformed to non-numeric prefix. """ number_sub_map = {"2": "two", "4": "four", "12": "twelve"} m ="^[0-9]+", name) if m: name = f"{number_sub_map[]}_{name[m.span()[1]:]}" return name
[docs]def clean_entity_list(raw_entity_series) -> List[str]: replace_with_underscore_chars = [ "/", "(", ")", " – ", " - ", "-", " ", ",", "–", "____", "___", "__", "=", ] replace_chars = {char: "_" for char in replace_with_underscore_chars} replace_chars.update( { "'": "", "’": "", "[": "", "]": "", "^": "", "é": "e", "<": "less_than_", ">": "greater_than_", "+": "_and_up", "I$": "income", "%": "_percent", "90th": "ninetieth", "*": "x", ":": "", ";": "", "#": "", "&": "and", "10_year": "ten_year", "year.": "year", "PM_2.5": "pm_2_5", "PM2.5": "pm_2_5", } ) cleaned_up_entities = [] for entity in list(raw_entity_series): entity = str(entity) # Clean up the string for char, rep_char in replace_chars.items(): entity = entity.replace(char, rep_char) entity = replace_numeric_prefix(entity) entity = entity.lower().rstrip().rstrip("_") cleaned_up_entities.append(entity) return cleaned_up_entities
[docs]def to_id(number: float, id_type: str) -> str: """Wrap the id value with the id type. Be mindful of NaN values. Parameters ---------- number The id value. id_type The id type. Returns ------- str String with the id type wrapping the value in parentheses. """ if np.isnan(number): return "UNKNOWN" else: return id_type + f"({int(number)})"
[docs]def make_class_sig(name, superclass=None, docstring=None) -> str: """Generate class signature from a name and additional information. Parameters ---------- name Name of the generated class. superclass Parent class. docstring Documentation for the generated class. Returns ------- str String representation of named class. """ out = f"class {name}" if superclass[0]: out += f"({superclass[0]})" out += ":\n" if docstring: out += TAB + f'"""{docstring}"""\n' return out
[docs]def make_slots(field_list: List[str]) -> str: """Generate explicit object attributes using slots (instead of dict). Parameters ---------- field_list Names for the slot attributes. Returns ------- str String representation of slot attributes. """ declaration = TAB + "__slots__ = (" offset = len(declaration) out = declaration char_count = offset for field in field_list: field = f"'{field}', " field_width = len(field) if char_count == offset: out += field char_count += field_width elif char_count + field_width > TEXTWIDTH: out = out[:-1] + "\n" + " " * offset + field char_count = offset + field_width else: out += field char_count += field_width out += ")\n\n" return out
[docs]def make_init(field_dtype_tuples: Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...]) -> str: """Generate the __init__ function as part of class generation. Parameters ---------- field_dtype_tuples Collection of name / value pairs that are used to create the the __init__ function with the specified parameters. Parameters are type hinted. Returns ------- str String representation of the __init__ function. """ declaration = TAB + "def __init__(" offset = len(declaration) out = declaration + "self," if len(field_dtype_tuples) > MAX_PYTHON_3_6_ARG_COUNT: out += " " + "**kwargs):\n" else: out += "\n" for field_name, data_type in field_dtype_tuples: out += " " * offset + field_name + ": " + data_type + ",\n" out = out[:-1] + " ):\n" return out
[docs]def make_super_call(superclass: Tuple[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...]]) -> str: """Generate the call to initialize the parent class. Parameters ---------- superclass Nested tuples composed of name and attributes for the superclass. Returns ------- str String representation of the call to the superclass. """ field_names = [attr[0] for attr in superclass[1]] declaration = 2 * TAB + "super().__init__(" if not field_names: return declaration + ")\n" offset = len(declaration) out = declaration for field in field_names: out += f"{field}={field},\n" out += " " * offset out = out[: -offset - 2] + ")\n" return out
[docs]def make_attribute_assignment(field_names: List[str]) -> str: """Generate the class attributes and initialize them. Parameters ---------- field_names List of class attribute names. Returns ------- str String representation of the initialized attributes. """ offset = 8 out = "" if len(field_names) > MAX_PYTHON_3_6_ARG_COUNT: for field in field_names: out += " " * offset + f"self.{field} = kwargs.get('{field}')\n" else: for field in field_names: out += " " * offset + f"self.{field} = {field}\n" return out
[docs]def make_record( name: str, attrs: Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...] = None, superclass: Tuple[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...]] = None, docstring: str = None, ): """Generate class definitions from a name and additional information. Parameters ---------- name Name of the generated class. attrs Class attributes. superclass Parent class. docstring Documentation for the generated class. Returns ------- str String representation of named class. """ out = "" out += make_class_sig(name, superclass, docstring) out += make_slots([attr[0] for attr in attrs]) out += make_init(attrs) if superclass: out += make_super_call(superclass) out += make_attribute_assignment([attr[0] for attr in attrs]) return out
[docs]def get_default_output_directory(): here = os.path.realpath(__file__) return os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(here) + "/../ceam_inputs/gbd_mapping/")
[docs]def format_string_none(value): if value is None: return None else: return f"'{value}'"
[docs]def make_empty_survey(flags, index): return pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(flags, [None] * len(flags))), index=index)