Source code for vivarium.framework.population.manager

The Population Manager

The manager and :ref:`builder <builder_concept>` interface for the
:ref:`population management system <population_concept>`.

from types import MethodType
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Tuple, Union

import pandas as pd

from vivarium.framework.population.exceptions import PopulationError
from vivarium.framework.population.population_view import PopulationView

[docs]class SimulantData(NamedTuple): """Data to help components initialize simulants. Any time simulants are added to the simulation, each initializer is called with this structure containing information relevant to their initialization. """ #: The index representing the new simulants being added to the simulation. index: pd.Index #: A dictionary of extra data passed in by the component creating the #: population. user_data: Dict[str, Any] #: The time when the simulants enter the simulation. creation_time: pd.Timestamp #: The span of time over which the simulants are created. Useful for, #: e.g., distributing ages over the window. creation_window: pd.Timedelta
[docs]class InitializerComponentSet: """Set of unique components with population initializers.""" def __init__(self): self._components = {} self._columns_produced = {}
[docs] def add(self, initializer: Callable, columns_produced: List[str]): """Adds an initializer and columns to the set, enforcing uniqueness. Parameters ---------- initializer The population initializer to add to the set. columns_produced The columns the initializer produces. Raises ------ TypeError If the initializer is not an object method. AttributeError If the object bound to the method does not have a name attribute. PopulationError If the component bound to the method already has an initializer registered or if the columns produced are duplicates of columns another initializer produces. """ if not isinstance(initializer, MethodType): raise TypeError( "Population initializers must be methods of named simulation components. " f"You provided {initializer} which is of type {type(initializer)}." ) component = initializer.__self__ if not hasattr(component, "name"): raise AttributeError( "Population initializers must be methods of named simulation components. " f"You provided {initializer} which is bound to {component} that has no " f"name attribute." ) # We want to keep the static typing annoyance because it's a good reminder that # we need a generic component type that tells us about attributes like a name, # but we also want it to be a little less noisy. component_name = if component_name in self._components: raise PopulationError( f"Component {component_name} has multiple population initializers. " "This is not allowed." ) for column in columns_produced: if column in self._columns_produced: raise PopulationError( f"Component {component_name} and component " f"{self._columns_produced[column]} have both registered initializers " f"for column {column}." ) self._columns_produced[column] = component_name self._components[component_name] = columns_produced
def __repr__(self): return repr(self._components) def __str__(self): return str(self._components)
[docs]class PopulationManager: """Manages the state of the simulated population.""" # TODO: Move the configuration for initial population creation to # user components. configuration_defaults = { "population": { "population_size": 100, }, } def __init__(self): self._population = None self._initializer_components = InitializerComponentSet() self.creating_initial_population = False self.adding_simulants = False self._last_id = -1 ############################ # Normal Component Methods # ############################ @property def name(self): """The name of this component.""" return "population_manager"
[docs] def setup(self, builder): """Registers the population manager with other vivarium systems.""" self.clock = builder.time.clock() self.step_size = builder.time.step_size() self.resources = builder.resources self._add_constraint = builder.lifecycle.add_constraint builder.lifecycle.add_constraint( self.get_view, allow_during=[ "setup", "post_setup", "population_creation", "simulation_end", "report", ], ) builder.lifecycle.add_constraint(self.get_simulant_creator, allow_during=["setup"]) builder.lifecycle.add_constraint( self.register_simulant_initializer, allow_during=["setup"] ) self.register_simulant_initializer( self.on_initialize_simulants, creates_columns=["tracked"] ) self._view = self.get_view(["tracked"])
[docs] def on_initialize_simulants(self, pop_data: SimulantData): """Adds a ``tracked`` column to the state table for new simulants.""" status = pd.Series(True, index=pop_data.index) self._view.update(status)
@property def columns(self) -> List[str]: """The columns that currently exist in the state table.""" return list(self._population.columns) def __repr__(self): return "PopulationManager()" ########################### # Builder API and helpers # ###########################
[docs] def get_view( self, columns: Union[List[str], Tuple[str]], query: str = None ) -> PopulationView: """Get a time-varying view of the population state table. The requested population view can be used to view the current state or to update the state with new values. If the column 'tracked' is not specified in the ``columns`` argument, the query string 'tracked == True' will be added to the provided query argument. This allows components to ignore untracked simulants by default. If the columns argument is empty, the population view will have access to the entire state table. Parameters ---------- columns A subset of the state table columns that will be available in the returned view. If empty, this view will have access to the entire state table. query A filter on the population state. This filters out particular simulants (rows in the state table) based on their current state. The query should be provided in a way that is understood by the :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.query` method and may reference state table columns not requested in the ``columns`` argument. Returns ------- PopulationView A filtered view of the requested columns of the population state table. """ view = self._get_view(columns, query) self._add_constraint( view.get, restrict_during=["initialization", "setup", "post_setup"] ) self._add_constraint( view.update, restrict_during=[ "initialization", "setup", "post_setup", "simulation_end", "report", ], ) return view
def _get_view(self, columns: Union[List[str], Tuple[str]], query: str = None): if columns and "tracked" not in columns: if query is None: query = "tracked == True" elif "tracked" not in query: query += "and tracked == True" self._last_id += 1 return PopulationView(self, self._last_id, columns, query)
[docs] def register_simulant_initializer( self, initializer: Callable, creates_columns: List[str] = (), requires_columns: List[str] = (), requires_values: List[str] = (), requires_streams: List[str] = (), ): """Marks a source of initial state information for new simulants. Parameters ---------- initializer A callable that adds or updates initial state information about new simulants. creates_columns A list of the state table columns that the given initializer provides the initial state information for. requires_columns A list of the state table columns that already need to be present and populated in the state table before the provided initializer is called. requires_values A list of the value pipelines that need to be properly sourced before the provided initializer is called. requires_streams A list of the randomness streams necessary to initialize the simulant attributes. """ self._initializer_components.add(initializer, creates_columns) dependencies = ( [f"column.{name}" for name in requires_columns] + [f"value.{name}" for name in requires_values] + [f"stream.{name}" for name in requires_streams] ) if creates_columns != ["tracked"]: # The population view itself uses the tracked column, so include # to be safe. dependencies += ["column.tracked"] self.resources.add_resources( "column", list(creates_columns), initializer, dependencies )
[docs] def get_simulant_creator(self) -> Callable: """Gets a function that can generate new simulants. Returns ------- Callable The simulant creator function. The creator function takes the number of simulants to be created as it's first argument and a dict population configuration that will be available to simulant initializers as it's second argument. It generates the new rows in the population state table and then calls each initializer registered with the population system with a data object containing the state table index of the new simulants, the configuration info passed to the creator, the current simulation time, and the size of the next time step. """ return self._create_simulants
def _create_simulants( self, count: int, population_configuration: Dict[str, Any] = None ) -> pd.Index: population_configuration = ( population_configuration if population_configuration else {} ) if self._population is None: self.creating_initial_population = True self._population = pd.DataFrame() new_index = range(len(self._population) + count) new_population = self._population.reindex(new_index) index = new_population.index.difference(self._population.index) self._population = new_population self.adding_simulants = True for initializer in self.resources: initializer( SimulantData(index, population_configuration, self.clock(), self.step_size()) ) self.creating_initial_population = False self.adding_simulants = False return index ############### # Context API # ###############
[docs] def get_population(self, untracked: bool) -> pd.DataFrame: """Provides a copy of the full population state table. Parameters ---------- untracked Whether to include untracked simulants in the returned population. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A copy of the population table. """ pop = self._population.copy() if self._population is not None else pd.DataFrame() if not untracked and "tracked" in pop.columns: pop = pop[pop.tracked] return pop
[docs]class PopulationInterface: """Provides access to the system for reading and updating the population. The most important aspect of the simulation state is the ``population table`` or ``state table``. It is a table with a row for every individual or cohort (referred to as a simulant) being simulated and a column for each of the attributes of the simulant being modeled. All access to the state table is mediated by :class:`population views <vivarium.framework.population.population_view.PopulationView>`, which may be requested from this system during setup time. The population system itself manages a single attribute of simulants called ``tracked``. This attribute allows global control of which simulants are available to read and update in the state table by default. For example, in a simulation of childhood illness, we might not need information about individuals or cohorts once they reach five years of age, and so we can have them "age out" of the simulation at five years old by setting the ``tracked`` attribute to ``False``. """ def __init__(self, manager: PopulationManager): self._manager = manager
[docs] def get_view( self, columns: Union[List[str], Tuple[str]], query: str = None ) -> PopulationView: """Get a time-varying view of the population state table. The requested population view can be used to view the current state or to update the state with new values. If the column 'tracked' is not specified in the ``columns`` argument, the query string 'tracked == True' will be added to the provided query argument. This allows components to ignore untracked simulants by default. If the columns argument is empty, the population view will have access to the entire state table. Parameters ---------- columns A subset of the state table columns that will be available in the returned view. If empty, this view will have access to the entire state table. query A filter on the population state. This filters out particular simulants (rows in the state table) based on their current state. The query should be provided in a way that is understood by the :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.query` method and may reference state table columns not requested in the ``columns`` argument. Returns ------- PopulationView A filtered view of the requested columns of the population state table. """ return self._manager.get_view(columns, query)
[docs] def get_simulant_creator(self) -> Callable[[int, Union[Dict[str, Any], None]], pd.Index]: """Gets a function that can generate new simulants. Returns ------- The simulant creator function. The creator function takes the number of simulants to be created as it's first argument and a dict population configuration that will be available to simulant initializers as it's second argument. It generates the new rows in the population state table and then calls each initializer registered with the population system with a data object containing the state table index of the new simulants, the configuration info passed to the creator, the current simulation time, and the size of the next time step. """ return self._manager.get_simulant_creator()
[docs] def initializes_simulants( self, initializer: Callable[[SimulantData], None], creates_columns: List[str] = (), requires_columns: List[str] = (), requires_values: List[str] = (), requires_streams: List[str] = (), ): """Marks a source of initial state information for new simulants. Parameters ---------- initializer A callable that adds or updates initial state information about new simulants. creates_columns A list of the state table columns that the given initializer provides the initial state information for. requires_columns A list of the state table columns that already need to be present and populated in the state table before the provided initializer is called. requires_values A list of the value pipelines that need to be properly sourced before the provided initializer is called. requires_streams A list of the randomness streams necessary to initialize the simulant attributes. """ self._manager.register_simulant_initializer( initializer, creates_columns, requires_columns, requires_values, requires_streams )