Source code for vivarium.framework.engine

The Vivarium Engine

The engine houses the :class:`SimulationContext` -- the key ``vivarium`` object
for running and interacting with simulations. It is the top level manager
for all state information in ``vivarium``.  By intention, it exposes a very
simple interface for managing the
:ref:`simulation lifecycle <lifecycle_concept>`.

Also included here is the simulation :class:`Builder`, which is the main
interface that components use to interact with the simulation framework. You
can read more about how the builder works and what services is exposes
:ref:`here <builder_concept>`.

Finally, there are a handful of wrapper methods that allow a user or user
tools to easily setup and run a simulation.

from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from vivarium.config_tree import ConfigTree
from vivarium.exceptions import VivariumError
from vivarium.framework.configuration import build_model_specification

from .artifact import ArtifactInterface
from .components import ComponentInterface
from .event import EventInterface
from .lifecycle import LifeCycleInterface
from .logging import LoggingInterface
from .lookup import LookupTableInterface
from .metrics import Metrics
from .plugins import PluginManager
from .population import PopulationInterface
from .randomness import RandomnessInterface
from .resource import ResourceInterface
from .results import ResultsInterface
from .time import TimeInterface
from .values import ValuesInterface

[docs]class SimulationContext: _created_simulation_contexts: Set[str] = set() @staticmethod def _get_context_name(sim_name: Union[str, None]) -> str: """Get a unique name for a simulation context. Parameters ---------- sim_name The name of the simulation context. If None, a unique name will be generated. Returns ------- str A unique name for the simulation context. Note ---- This method mutates process global state (the class attribute ``_created_simulation_contexts``) in order to keep track contexts that have been generated. This functionality makes generating simulation contexts in parallel a non-threadsafe operation. """ if sim_name is None: sim_number = len(SimulationContext._created_simulation_contexts) + 1 sim_name = f"simulation_{sim_number}" if sim_name in SimulationContext._created_simulation_contexts: msg = ( "Attempting to create two SimulationContexts " f"with the same name {sim_name}" ) raise VivariumError(msg) SimulationContext._created_simulation_contexts.add(sim_name) return sim_name @staticmethod def _clear_context_cache(): """Clear the cache of simulation context names. This is primarily useful for testing purposes. """ SimulationContext._created_simulation_contexts = set() def __init__( self, model_specification: Union[str, Path, ConfigTree] = None, components: Union[List, Dict, ConfigTree] = None, configuration: Union[Dict, ConfigTree] = None, plugin_configuration: Union[Dict, ConfigTree] = None, sim_name: str = None, logging_verbosity: int = 1, ): self._name = self._get_context_name(sim_name) # Bootstrap phase: Parse arguments, make private managers component_configuration = ( components if isinstance(components, (dict, ConfigTree)) else None ) self._additional_components = components if isinstance(components, List) else [] model_specification = build_model_specification( model_specification, component_configuration, configuration, plugin_configuration ) self._plugin_configuration = model_specification.plugins self._component_configuration = model_specification.components self.configuration = model_specification.configuration self._plugin_manager = PluginManager(model_specification.plugins) self._logging = self._plugin_manager.get_plugin("logging") self._logging.configure_logging(, verbosity=logging_verbosity, ) self._logger = self._logging.get_logger() self._builder = Builder(self.configuration, self._plugin_manager) # This formally starts the initialization phase (this call makes the # life-cycle manager). self._lifecycle = self._plugin_manager.get_plugin("lifecycle") self._lifecycle.add_phase("setup", ["setup", "post_setup", "population_creation"]) self._lifecycle.add_phase( "main_loop", ["time_step__prepare", "time_step", "time_step__cleanup", "collect_metrics"], loop=True, ) self._lifecycle.add_phase("simulation_end", ["simulation_end", "report"]) self._component_manager = self._plugin_manager.get_plugin("component_manager") self._component_manager.setup(self.configuration, self._lifecycle) self._clock = self._plugin_manager.get_plugin("clock") self._values = self._plugin_manager.get_plugin("value") self._events = self._plugin_manager.get_plugin("event") self._population = self._plugin_manager.get_plugin("population") self._resource = self._plugin_manager.get_plugin("resource") self._results = self._plugin_manager.get_plugin("results") self._tables = self._plugin_manager.get_plugin("lookup") self._randomness = self._plugin_manager.get_plugin("randomness") self._data = self._plugin_manager.get_plugin("data") for name, controller in self._plugin_manager.get_optional_controllers().items(): setattr(self, f"_{name}", controller) # The order the managers are added is important. It represents the # order in which they will be set up. The logging manager and the clock are # required by several of the other managers, including the lifecycle manager. The # lifecycle manager is also required by most managers. The randomness # manager requires the population manager. The remaining managers need # no ordering. managers = [ self._logging, self._clock, self._lifecycle, self._resource, self._values, self._population, self._randomness, self._events, self._tables, self._data, self._results, ] + list(self._plugin_manager.get_optional_controllers().values()) self._component_manager.add_managers(managers) component_config_parser = self._plugin_manager.get_plugin( "component_configuration_parser" ) # Tack extra components onto the end of the list generated from the model specification. components = ( component_config_parser.get_components(self._component_configuration) + self._additional_components + [Metrics()] ) self._lifecycle.add_constraint(self.add_components, allow_during=["initialization"]) self._lifecycle.add_constraint( self.get_population, restrict_during=["initialization", "setup", "post_setup"] ) self.add_components(components) @property def name(self): return self._name
[docs] def setup(self): self._lifecycle.set_state("setup") self.configuration.freeze() self._component_manager.setup_components(self._builder) self.simulant_creator = self._builder.population.get_simulant_creator() self.time_step_events = self._lifecycle.get_state_names("main_loop") self.time_step_emitters = { k: self._builder.event.get_emitter(k) for k in self.time_step_events } self.end_emitter = self._builder.event.get_emitter("simulation_end") post_setup = self._builder.event.get_emitter("post_setup") self._lifecycle.set_state("post_setup") post_setup(None)
[docs] def initialize_simulants(self): self._lifecycle.set_state("population_creation") pop_params = self.configuration.population # Fencepost the creation of the initial population. self._clock.step_backward() population_size = pop_params.population_size self.simulant_creator( population_size, population_configuration={"sim_state": "setup"} ) self._clock.step_forward()
[docs] def step(self): self._logger.debug(self._clock.time) for event in self.time_step_events: self._lifecycle.set_state(event) self.time_step_emitters[event](self._population.get_population(True).index) self._clock.step_forward()
[docs] def run(self): while self._clock.time < self._clock.stop_time: self.step()
[docs] def finalize(self): self._lifecycle.set_state("simulation_end") self.end_emitter(self._population.get_population(True).index) unused_config_keys = self.configuration.unused_keys() if unused_config_keys: self._logger.warning( f"Some configuration keys not used during run: {unused_config_keys}." )
[docs] def report(self, print_results=True): self._lifecycle.set_state("report") metrics = self._values.get_value("metrics")( self._population.get_population(True).index ) if print_results:"\n" + pformat(metrics)) performance_metrics = self.get_performance_metrics() performance_metrics = performance_metrics.to_string( index=False, float_format=lambda x: f"{x:.2f}", )"\n" + performance_metrics) return metrics
[docs] def get_performance_metrics(self) -> pd.DataFrame: timing_dict = self._lifecycle.timings total_time = np.sum([np.sum(v) for v in timing_dict.values()]) timing_dict["total"] = [total_time] records = [ { "Event": label, "Count": len(ts), "Mean time (s)": np.mean(ts), "Std. dev. time (s)": np.std(ts), "Total time (s)": sum(ts), "% Total time": 100 * sum(ts) / total_time, } for label, ts in timing_dict.items() ] performance_metrics = pd.DataFrame(records) return performance_metrics
[docs] def add_components(self, component_list): """Adds new components to the simulation.""" self._component_manager.add_components(component_list)
[docs] def get_population(self, untracked: bool = True): return self._population.get_population(untracked)
def __repr__(self): return f"SimulationContext({})"
[docs]class Builder: """Toolbox for constructing and configuring simulation components. This is the access point for components through which they are able to utilize a variety of interfaces to interact with the simulation framework. Attributes ---------- logging: LoggingInterface Provides access to the :ref:`logging<logging_concept>` system. lookup: LookupTableInterface Provides access to simulant-specific data via the :ref:`lookup table<lookup_concept>` abstraction. value: ValuesInterface Provides access to computed simulant attribute values via the :ref:`value pipeline<values_concept>` system. event: EventInterface Provides access to event listeners utilized in the :ref:`event<event_concept>` system. population: PopulationInterface Provides access to simulant state table via the :ref:`population<population_concept>` system. resources: ResourceInterface Provides access to the :ref:`resource<resource_concept>` system, which manages dependencies between components. time: TimeInterface Provides access to the simulation's :ref:`clock<time_concept>`. components: ComponentInterface Provides access to the :ref:`component management<components_concept>` system, which maintains a reference to all managers and components in the simulation. lifecycle: LifeCycleInterface Provides access to the :ref:`life-cycle<lifecycle_concept>` system, which manages the simulation's execution life-cycle. data: ArtifactInterface Provides access to the simulation's input data housed in the :ref:`data artifact<data_concept>`. Notes ----- A `Builder` should never be created directly. It will automatically be created during the initialization of a :class:`SimulationContext` """ def __init__(self, configuration, plugin_manager): self.configuration = configuration self.logging = plugin_manager.get_plugin_interface( "logging" ) # type: LoggingInterface self.lookup = plugin_manager.get_plugin_interface( "lookup" ) # type: LookupTableInterface self.value = plugin_manager.get_plugin_interface("value") # type: ValuesInterface self.event = plugin_manager.get_plugin_interface("event") # type: EventInterface self.population = plugin_manager.get_plugin_interface( "population" ) # type: PopulationInterface self.resources = plugin_manager.get_plugin_interface( "resource" ) # type: ResourceInterface self.results = plugin_manager.get_plugin_interface( "results" ) # type: ResultsInterface self.randomness = plugin_manager.get_plugin_interface( "randomness" ) # type: RandomnessInterface self.time = plugin_manager.get_plugin_interface("clock") # type: TimeInterface self.components = plugin_manager.get_plugin_interface( "component_manager" ) # type: ComponentInterface self.lifecycle = plugin_manager.get_plugin_interface( "lifecycle" ) # type: LifeCycleInterface = plugin_manager.get_plugin_interface("data") # type: ArtifactInterface for name, interface in plugin_manager.get_optional_interfaces().items(): setattr(self, name, interface) def __repr__(self): return "Builder()"
[docs]def run_simulation( model_specification: Union[str, Path, ConfigTree] = None, components: Union[List, Dict, ConfigTree] = None, configuration: Union[Dict, ConfigTree] = None, plugin_configuration: Union[Dict, ConfigTree] = None, ): simulation = SimulationContext( model_specification, components, configuration, plugin_configuration ) simulation.setup() simulation.initialize_simulants() simulation.finalize() return simulation