Source code for vivarium.framework.artifact.hdf

HDF Interface

A convenience wrapper around the `tables <>`_ and
:mod:`pandas` HDF interfaces.

Public Interface

The public interface consists of 5 functions:

.. list-table:: HDF Public Interface
   :widths: 20 60
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Function
     - Description
   * - :func:`touch`
     - Creates an HDF file, wiping an existing file if necessary.
   * - :func:`write`
     - Stores data at a key in an HDF file.
   * - :func:`load`
     - Loads (potentially filtered) data from a key in an HDF file.
   * - :func:`remove`
     - Clears data from a key in an HDF file.
   * - :func:`get_keys`
     - Gets all available HDF keys from an HDF file.


- All functions in the public interface accept both :class:`pathlib.Path` and
  normal Python :class:`str` objects for paths.
- All functions in the public interface accept only :class:`str` objects
  as representations of the keys in the hdf file.  The strings must be
  formatted as ``""`` or ``"type.measure"``.

import json
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
import tables
from tables.nodes import filenode

PandasObj = (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)

# Public interface #

[docs]def touch(path: Union[str, Path]): """Creates an HDF file, wiping an existing file if necessary. If the given path is proper to create a HDF file, it creates a new HDF file. Parameters ---------- path The path to the HDF file. Raises ------ ValueError If the non-proper path is given to create a HDF file. """ path = _get_valid_hdf_path(path) with tables.open_file(str(path), mode="w"): pass
[docs]def write(path: Union[str, Path], entity_key: str, data: Any): """Writes data to the HDF file at the given path to the given key. Parameters ---------- path The path to the HDF file to write to. entity_key A string representation of the internal HDF path where we want to write the data. The key must be formatted as ``""`` or ``"type.measure"``. data The data to write. If it is a :mod:`pandas` object, it will be written using a `pandas.HDFStore <>`_ or :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.to_hdf`. If it is some other kind of python object, it will first be encoded as json with :func:`json.dumps` and then written to the provided key. Raises ------ ValueError If the path or entity_key are improperly formatted. """ path = _get_valid_hdf_path(path) entity_key = EntityKey(entity_key) if isinstance(data, PandasObj): _write_pandas_data(path, entity_key, data) else: _write_json_blob(path, entity_key, data)
[docs]def load( path: Union[str, Path], entity_key: str, filter_terms: Optional[List[str]], column_filters: Optional[List[str]], ) -> Any: """Loads data from an HDF file. Parameters ---------- path The path to the HDF file to load the data from. entity_key A representation of the internal HDF path where the data is located. filter_terms An optional list of terms used to filter the rows in the data. The terms must be formatted in a way that is suitable for use with the ``where`` argument of :func:`pandas.read_hdf`. Only filters applying to existing columns in the data are used. column_filters An optional list of columns to load from the data. Raises ------ ValueError If the path or entity_key are improperly formatted. Returns ------- Any The data stored at the the given key in the HDF file. """ path = _get_valid_hdf_path(path) entity_key = EntityKey(entity_key) with tables.open_file(str(path)) as file: node = file.get_node(entity_key.path) if isinstance(node, tables.earray.EArray): # This should be a json encoded document rather than a pandas dataframe with filenode.open_node(node) as file_node: data = json.load(file_node) else: filter_terms = _get_valid_filter_terms(filter_terms, node.table.colnames) with pd.HDFStore(str(path), complevel=9, mode="r") as store: metadata = store.get_storer( entity_key.path ).attrs.metadata # NOTE: must use attrs. write this up if metadata.get("is_empty", False): data = pd.read_hdf(path, entity_key.path, where=filter_terms) data = data.set_index( list(data.columns) ) # undoing transform performed on write else: data = pd.read_hdf( path, entity_key.path, where=filter_terms, columns=column_filters ) return data
[docs]def remove(path: Union[str, Path], entity_key: str): """Removes a piece of data from an HDF file. Parameters ---------- path : The path to the HDF file to remove the data from. entity_key : A representation of the internal HDF path where the data is located. Raises ------ ValueError If the path or entity_key are improperly formatted. """ path = _get_valid_hdf_path(path) entity_key = EntityKey(entity_key) with tables.open_file(str(path), mode="a") as file: file.remove_node(entity_key.path, recursive=True)
[docs]def get_keys(path: Union[str, Path]) -> List[str]: """Gets key representation of all paths in an HDF file. Parameters ---------- path : The path to the HDF file. Returns ------- List[str] A list of key representations of the internal paths in the HDF. """ path = _get_valid_hdf_path(path) with tables.open_file(str(path)) as file: keys = _get_keys(file.root) return keys
[docs]class EntityKey(str): """A convenience wrapper that translates artifact keys. This class provides several representations of the artifact keys that are useful when working with the :mod:`pandas` and `tables <>`_ HDF interfaces. """ def __init__(self, key): """ Parameters ---------- key The string representation of the entity key. Must be formatted as ``""`` or ``"type.measure"``. """ elements = [e for e in key.split(".") if e] if len(elements) not in [2, 3] or len(key.split(".")) != len(elements): raise ValueError( f"Invalid format for HDF key: {key}. " 'Acceptable formats are "" and "type.measure"' ) super().__init__() @property def type(self) -> str: """The type of the entity represented by the key.""" return self.split(".")[0] @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the entity represented by the key""" return self.split(".")[1] if len(self.split(".")) == 3 else "" @property def measure(self) -> str: """The measure associated with the data represented by the key.""" return self.split(".")[-1] @property def group_prefix(self) -> str: """The HDF group prefix for the key.""" return "/" + self.type if else "/" @property def group_name(self) -> str: """The HDF group name for the key.""" return if else self.type @property def group(self) -> str: """The full path to the group for this key.""" return ( self.group_prefix + "/" + self.group_name if else self.group_prefix + self.group_name ) @property def path(self) -> str: """The full HDF path associated with this key.""" return + "/" + self.measure
[docs] def with_measure(self, measure: str) -> "EntityKey": """Replaces this key's measure with the provided one. Parameters ---------- measure : The measure to replace this key's measure with. Returns ------- EntityKey A new EntityKey with the updated measure. """ if return EntityKey(f"{self.type}.{}.{measure}") else: return EntityKey(f"{self.type}.{measure}")
def __eq__(self, other: "EntityKey") -> bool: return isinstance(other, str) and str(self) == str(other) def __ne__(self, other: "EntityKey") -> bool: return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"EntityKey({str(self)})"
##################### # Private utilities # ##################### def _get_valid_hdf_path(path: Union[str, Path]) -> Path: valid_suffixes = [".hdf", ".h5"] path = Path(path) if path.suffix not in valid_suffixes: raise ValueError( f"{str(path)} has an invalid HDF suffix {path.suffix}." f" HDF files must have one of {valid_suffixes} as a path suffix." ) return path def _write_pandas_data(path: Path, entity_key: EntityKey, data: Union[PandasObj]): """Write data in a pandas format to an HDF file. This method currently supports :class:`pandas DataFrame` objects, with or with or without columns, and :class:`pandas.Series` objects. """ if data.empty: # Our data is indexed, sometimes with no other columns. This leaves an # empty dataframe that store.put will silently fail to write in table # format. data = data.reset_index() if data.empty: raise ValueError("Cannot write an empty dataframe that does not have an index.") metadata = {"is_empty": True} data_columns = True else: metadata = {"is_empty": False} data_columns = None with pd.HDFStore(str(path), complevel=9) as store: store.put(entity_key.path, data, format="table", data_columns=data_columns) store.get_storer( entity_key.path ).attrs.metadata = metadata # NOTE: must use attrs. write this up def _write_json_blob(path: Path, entity_key: EntityKey, data: Any): """Writes a Python object as json to the HDF file at the given path.""" with tables.open_file(str(path), "a") as store: if entity_key.group_prefix not in store: store.create_group("/", entity_key.type) if not in store: store.create_group(entity_key.group_prefix, entity_key.group_name) with filenode.new_node( store,, name=entity_key.measure ) as fnode: fnode.write(bytes(json.dumps(data), "utf-8")) def _get_keys(root: tables.node.Node, prefix: str = "") -> List[str]: """Recursively formats the paths in an HDF file into a key format.""" keys = [] for child in root: child_name = _get_node_name(child) if isinstance(child, tables.earray.EArray): # This is the last node keys.append(f"{prefix}.{child_name}") elif isinstance(child, tables.table.Table): # Parent was the last node keys.append(prefix) else: new_prefix = f"{prefix}.{child_name}" if prefix else child_name keys.extend(_get_keys(child, new_prefix)) # Clean up some weird meta groups that get written with dataframes. keys = [k for k in keys if ".meta." not in k] return keys def _get_node_name(node: tables.node.Node) -> str: """Gets the name of a node from its string representation.""" node_string = str(node) node_path = node_string.split()[0] node_name = node_path.split("/")[-1] return node_name def _get_valid_filter_terms(filter_terms, colnames): """Removes any filter terms referencing non-existent columns Parameters ---------- filter_terms A list of terms formatted so as to be used in the `where` argument of :func:`pd.read_hdf`. colnames : A list of column names present in the data that will be filtered. Returns ------- The list of valid filter terms (terms that do not reference any column not existing in the data). Returns none if the list is empty because the `where` argument doesn't like empty lists. """ if not filter_terms: return None valid_terms = filter_terms.copy() for term in filter_terms: # first strip out all the parentheses - the where in read_hdf # requires all references to be valid t = re.sub("[()]", "", term) # then split each condition out t = re.split("[&|]", t) # get the unique columns referenced by this term term_columns = set([re.split(r"[<=>\s]", i.strip())[0] for i in t]) if not term_columns.issubset(colnames): valid_terms.remove(term) return valid_terms if valid_terms else None