Source code for vivarium.config_tree

The Config Tree

A configuration structure which supports cascading layers.

In ``vivarium`` it allows base configurations to be overridden by component
level configurations which are in turn overridden by model level configuration
which can be overridden by user supplied overrides. From the perspective
of normal client code the cascading is hidden and configuration values
are presented as attributes of the configuration object the values of
which are the value of that key in the outermost layer of configuration
where it appears.

For example:

.. code-block:: python

    >>> config = ConfigTree(layers=['inner_layer', 'middle_layer', 'outer_layer', 'user_overrides'])
    >>> config.update({'section_a': {'item1': 'value1', 'item2': 'value2'}, 'section_b': {'item1': 'value3'}}, layer='inner_layer')
    >>> config.update({'section_a': {'item1': 'value4'}, 'section_b': {'item1': 'value5'}}, layer='middle_layer')
    >>> config.update({'section_b': {'item1': 'value6'}}, layer='outer_layer')
    >>> config.section_a.item1
    >>> config.section_a.item2
    >>> config.section_b.item1

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import yaml

from vivarium.exceptions import VivariumError

[docs]class ConfigurationError(VivariumError): """Base class for configuration errors.""" def __init__(self, message: str, value_name: Optional[str]): self.value_name = value_name super().__init__(message)
[docs]class ConfigurationKeyError(ConfigurationError, KeyError): """Error raised when a configuration lookup fails.""" pass
[docs]class DuplicatedConfigurationError(ConfigurationError): """Error raised when a configuration value is set more than once. Attributes ---------- layer The configuration layer at which the value is being set. source The original source of the configuration value. value The original configuration value. """ def __init__( self, message: str, name: str, layer: Optional[str], source: Optional[str], value: Any ): self.layer = layer self.source = source self.value = value super().__init__(message, name)
[docs]class ConfigNode: """A priority based configuration value. A :class:`ConfigNode` represents a single configuration value with priority-based layers. The intent is to allow a value to be set from sources with different priorities and to record what the value was set to and from where. For example, a simulation may need certain values to always exist, and so it will set them up at a "base" layer. Components in the simulation may have a different set of priorities and so override the "base" value at a "component" level. Finally a user may want to override the simulation and component defaults with values at the command line or interactively, and so those values will be set in a final "user" layer. A :class:`ConfigNode` may only have a value set at each layer once. Attempts to set a value at the same layer multiple times will result in a :class:`DuplicatedConfigurationError`. The :class:`ConfigNode` will record all values set and the source they are set from. This sort of provenance with configuration data greatly eases debugging and analysis of simulation code. This class should not be instantiated directly. All interaction should take place by manipulating a :class:`ConfigTree` object. """ def __init__(self, layers: List[str], name: str): self._name = name self._layers = layers self._values = {} self._frozen = False self._accessed = False @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of this configuration value.""" return self._name @property def accessed(self) -> bool: """Returns whether this node has been accessed.""" return self._accessed @property def metadata(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Returns all values and associated metadata for this node.""" result = [] for layer in self._layers: if layer in self._values: result.append( { "layer": layer, "source": self._values[layer][0], "value": self._values[layer][1], } ) return result
[docs] def freeze(self): """Causes the :class:`ConfigNode` node to become read only. This can be used to create a contract around when the configuration is modifiable. """ self._frozen = True
[docs] def get_value(self, layer: Optional[str]) -> Any: """Returns the value at the specified layer. If no layer is specified, the outermost (highest priority) layer at which a value has been set will be used. Parameters ---------- layer Name of the layer to retrieve the value from. Raises ------ KeyError If no value has been set at any layer. """ value = self._get_value_with_source(layer)[1] self._accessed = True return value
[docs] def update(self, value: Any, layer: Optional[str], source: Optional[str]): """Set a value for a layer with optional metadata about source. Parameters ---------- value Data to store in the node. layer Name of the layer to use. If no layer is provided, the value will be set in the outermost (highest priority) layer. source Metadata indicating the source of this value. Raises ------ ConfigurationError If the node is frozen. ConfigurationKeyError If the provided layer does not exist. DuplicatedConfigurationError If a value has already been set at the provided layer or a value is already in the outermost layer and no layer has been provided. """ if self._frozen: raise ConfigurationError( f"Frozen ConfigNode {} does not support assignment.", ) layer = layer if layer else self._layers[-1] if layer not in self._layers: raise ConfigurationKeyError( f"No layer {layer} in ConfigNode {}.", ) elif layer in self._values: source, value = self._values[layer] raise DuplicatedConfigurationError( f"Value has already been set at layer {layer}.",, layer=layer, source=source, value=value, ) else: self._values[layer] = (source, value)
def _get_value_with_source(self, layer: Optional[str]) -> Tuple[str, Any]: """Returns a (source, value) tuple at the specified layer. If no layer is specified, the outermost (highest priority) layer at which a value has been set will be used. Parameters ---------- layer Name of the layer to retrieve the (source, value) pair from. Raises ------ KeyError If no value has been set at any layer. """ if layer and layer in self._values: return self._values[layer] for layer in reversed(self._layers): if layer in self._values: return self._values[layer] raise ConfigurationKeyError( f"No value stored in this ConfigNode {}.", ) def __bool__(self): return bool(self._values) def __repr__(self): out = [] for m in reversed(self.metadata): layer, source, value = m.values() out.append(f"{layer}: {value}\n source: {source}") return "\n".join(out) def __str__(self): if not self: return "" layer, _, value = self.metadata[-1].values() return f"{layer}: {value}"
[docs]class ConfigTree: """A container for configuration information. Each configuration value is exposed as an attribute the value of which is determined by the outermost layer which has the key defined. """ def __init__( self, data: Union[Dict, str, Path, "ConfigTree"] = None, layers: List[str] = None, name: str = "", ): """ Parameters ---------- data The :class:`ConfigTree` accepts many kinds of data: - :class:`dict` : Flat or nested dictionaries may be provided. Keys of dictionaries at all levels must be strings. - :class:`ConfigTree` : Another :class:`ConfigTree` can be used. All source information will be ignored and the source will be set to 'initial_data' and values will be stored at the lowest priority level. - :class:`str` : Strings provided can be yaml formatted strings, which will be parsed into a dictionary using standard yaml parsing. Alternatively, a path to a yaml file may be provided and the file will be read in and parsed. - :class:`pathlib.Path` : A path object to a yaml file will be interpreted the same as a string representation. All values will be set with 'initial_data' as the source and will use the lowest priority level. If values are set at higher priorities they will be used when the :class:`ConfigTree` is accessed. layers A list of layer names. The order in which layers defined determines their priority. Later layers override the values from earlier ones. """ self.__dict__["_layers"] = layers if layers else ["base"] self.__dict__["_children"] = {} self.__dict__["_frozen"] = False self.__dict__["_name"] = name self.update(data, layer=self._layers[0], source="initial data")
[docs] def freeze(self): """Causes the ConfigTree to become read only. This is useful for loading and then freezing configurations that should not be modified at runtime. """ self.__dict__["_frozen"] = True for child in self.values(): child.freeze()
[docs] def items(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, Union["ConfigTree", ConfigNode]]]: """Return an iterable of all (child_name, child) pairs.""" return self._children.items()
[docs] def keys(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Return an Iterable of all child names.""" return self._children.keys()
[docs] def values(self) -> Iterable: """Return an Iterable of all children.""" return self._children.values()
[docs] def unused_keys(self) -> List[str]: """Lists all values in the ConfigTree that haven't been accessed.""" unused = [] for name, child in self.items(): if isinstance(child, ConfigNode): if not child.accessed: unused.append(name) else: for grandchild_name in child.unused_keys(): unused.append(f"{name}.{grandchild_name}") return unused
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Converts the ConfigTree into a nested dictionary. All metadata is lost in this conversion. """ result = {} for name, child in self.items(): if isinstance(child, ConfigNode): result[name] = child.get_value(layer=None) else: result[name] = child.to_dict() return result
[docs] def get_from_layer(self, name: str, layer: str = None) -> Any: """Get a configuration value from the provided layer. If no layer is specified, the outermost (highest priority) layer at which a value has been set will be used. Parameters ---------- name The name of the value to retrieve layer The name of the layer to retrieve the value from. """ if name not in self: name = f"{self._name}.{name}" if self._name else name raise ConfigurationKeyError(f"No value at name {name}.", name) child = self._children[name] if isinstance(child, ConfigNode): return child.get_value(layer) else: return child
[docs] def update( self, data: Union[Dict, str, Path, "ConfigTree", None], layer: str = None, source: str = None, ): """Adds additional data into the :class:`ConfigTree`. Parameters ---------- data :func:`~ConfigTree.update` accepts many types of data. - :class:`dict` : Flat or nested dictionaries may be provided. Keys of dictionaries at all levels must be strings. - :class:`ConfigTree` : Another :class:`ConfigTree` can be used. All source information will be ignored and the provided layer and source will be used to set the metadata. - :class:`str` : Strings provided can be yaml formatted strings, which will be parsed into a dictionary using standard yaml parsing. Alternatively, a path to a yaml file may be provided and the file will be read in and parsed. - :class:`pathlib.Path` : A path object to a yaml file will be interpreted the same as a string representation. layer The name of the layer to store the value in. If no layer is provided, the value will be set in the outermost (highest priority) layer. source The source to attribute the value to. Raises ------ ConfigurationError If the :class:`ConfigTree` is frozen or attempting to assign an invalid value. ConfigurationKeyError If the provided layer does not exist. DuplicatedConfigurationError If a value has already been set at the provided layer or a value is already in the outermost layer and no layer has been provided. """ if data is not None: data, source = self._coerce(data, source) for k, v in data.items(): self._set_with_metadata(k, v, layer, source)
[docs] def metadata(self, name: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: if name in self: return self._children[name].metadata name = f"{self._name}.{name}" if self._name else name raise ConfigurationKeyError(f"No configuration value with name {name}", name)
@staticmethod def _coerce( data: Union[Dict, str, Path, "ConfigTree"], source: Union[str, None] ) -> Tuple[Dict, Union[str, None]]: """Coerces data into dictionary format.""" if isinstance(data, dict): return data, source elif (isinstance(data, str) and data.endswith((".yaml", ".yml"))) or isinstance( data, Path ): source = source if source else str(data) with open(data) as f: data = data = yaml.full_load(data) return data, source elif isinstance(data, str): data = yaml.full_load(data) return data, source elif isinstance(data, ConfigTree): return data.to_dict(), source else: raise ConfigurationError( f"ConfigTree can only update from dictionaries, strings, paths and ConfigTrees. " f"You passed in {type(data)}", value_name=None, ) def _set_with_metadata( self, name: str, value: Any, layer: Optional[str], source: Optional[str] ): """Set a value in the named layer with the given source. Parameters ---------- name The name of the value. value The value to store. layer The name of the layer to store the value in. If no layer is provided, the value will be set in the outermost (highest priority) layer. source The source to attribute the value to. Raises ------ ConfigurationError If the :class:`ConfigTree` is frozen or attempting to assign an invalid value. ConfigurationKeyError If the provided layer does not exist. DuplicatedConfigurationError If a value has already been set at the provided layer or a value is already in the outermost layer and no layer has been provided. """ if self._frozen: raise ConfigurationError( f"Frozen ConfigTree {self._name} does not support assignment.", self._name ) if isinstance(value, dict): if name not in self: self._children[name] = ConfigTree(layers=list(self._layers), name=name) if isinstance(self._children[name], ConfigNode): name = f"{self._name}.{name}" if self._name else name raise ConfigurationError( f"Can't assign a dictionary as a value to a ConfigNode.", name ) else: if name not in self: self._children[name] = ConfigNode(list(self._layers), name=self._name) if isinstance(self._children[name], ConfigTree): name = f"{self._name}.{name}" if self._name else name raise ConfigurationError(f"Can't assign a value to a ConfigTree.", name) self._children[name].update(value, layer, source) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Set a value on the outermost layer.""" if name not in self: raise ConfigurationKeyError( "New configuration keys can only be created with the update method.", self._name, ) self._set_with_metadata(name, value, layer=None, source=None) def __setitem__(self, name, value): """Set a value on the outermost layer.""" if name not in self: raise ConfigurationKeyError( "New configuration keys can only be created with the update method.", self._name, ) self._set_with_metadata(name, value, layer=None, source=None) def __getattr__(self, name): """Get a value from the outermost layer in which it appears.""" return self.get_from_layer(name) def __getitem__(self, name): """Get a value from the outermost layer in which it appears.""" return self.get_from_layer(name) def __delattr__(self, name): if name in self: del self._children[name] def __delitem__(self, name): if name in self: del self._children[name] def __contains__(self, name): """Test if a configuration key exists in any layer.""" return name in self._children def __iter__(self): """Dictionary-like iteration.""" return iter(self._children) def __len__(self): return len(self._children) def __dir__(self): return list(self._children.keys()) + dir(super(ConfigTree, self)) def __repr__(self): return "\n".join( [ "{}:\n {}".format(name, repr(c).replace("\n", "\n ")) for name, c in self._children.items() ] ) def __str__(self): return "\n".join( [ "{}:\n {}".format(name, str(c).replace("\n", "\n ")) for name, c in self._children.items() ] )